Warming Fire Investigation

Warming fire investigation on Highway 101 northbound at Bath Street, Engine 2 has responded.


Written by Roger

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  1. Caltrans needs to step up and remove all the encampments in Montecito, Goleta and Santa Barbara in their easements. What is that pile of belongings in Goleta where they cleared out some brush and did some drainage work? They lined up all the homeless belongings and just left it out there in full view. That was a month ago. It’s just off the southbound Fairview onramp near the railroad tracks. Why do people who live and pay mortgages or rents for million dollar homes allow these encampments to go unchecked? Now with all these fires, everyone along the highway is in danger. Add wind and you could have a major conflagration like Santa Rosa. Hasn’t this area suffered enough.

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