Tiny Bugs Dropping from Ceiling?

By an edhat reader

I’m sure there are entomologists out there in edhat-land, and I’m thinking these must be related to insect life. I am finding these tiny wirey objects on a counter in our kitchen area. Every few days, about five or six of them. There is nothing above the counter but the ceiling–open beams, 72 year old fir. They are very hard–cannot break through them with a fingernail. Can stretch them out straight but they curve back up when I let go. At first I thought my husband must be leaving little bits of wire from some kind of project, but nope. It is a mystery. Not seeing any signs of termite frass there, but there are very small holes, maybe 1/4 inch in diameter, all along the rafter above the counter that are probably due to insect damage. I’m not sure how recent those are, could be new–I don’t stare up at the rafters very often. Does anyone know what these little things could be?


Written by mtndriver

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  1. I have a 10x Hastings triplet, yes, and these little things do not look like anything organic under the lens. They have no surface features I can see at that magnification, but the ends are kind of splayed the way a wire cutter would create a pinched end. They seem like plastic. Certainly not wood fibers. Always in this semicircle shape.

  2. I don’t really think it’s insects, more like some damage insects are doing. It’s definitely not wood–black and hard and flexible, can straighten the little pieces and they bounce back to half circle shape. And it’s been happening for a few weeks, before the rain. Never happened before–I’ve lived in the house for 37 years.

  3. My guess is that some plastic thing is disintegrating. Maybe they are bristles off a little brush, or fibers from a rough plastic mat. Why it’s falling from your ceiling is a mystery. Have you actually seen them fall? Maybe they are coming off something that is on or around the counter top? Pleeeeease let us know, if you figure it out!

  4. how do you know its an insect and not maybe fibers from the exposed 72yr old fir ceiling. the temperature changes and moisture levels in the air the past few days could be causing the beams to expand and contract, causing friction that will leave ” evidence ” although very small and slight. if you cant “break it with a fingernail” its hard to say its an insect.

  5. Don’t you have a jeweler’s loupe or access to some type of magnification? You could then see for yourself whether or not these are living/once living entities. A loupe from Amazon will only set you back about $10 and is an incredibly handy little tool.

  6. I went and started searching google last night. Funny thing is this post popped up! still cant find an exact match to what you took a picture of.
    sadly, the downvotes are falling like last weeks rain….. what the hell edhat?

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