Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in Bloom

By Robert Bernstein

Last month I reported on our visit to the Ventura Botanical Gardens. Thanks to people replying to that article and others for suggesting we visit the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. Indeed, our local garden is in bloom now!

Here are my many photos of our visit.

Perhaps the centerpiece of the garden now is the wonderful field of poppies on the big lawn near the entrance with the mountains as a backdrop:

There are several ideal spots there for photos of the poppies. But don’t miss the other blooming flowers in that area:

Of course, the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden is about much more than blooming flowers. It is an extensive area in Mission Canyon to wander and explore and find peaceful areas. One of these areas is the Coast Redwood Grove:

There are also remnants of the original water works system that served the Santa Barbara Mission:

There is still water in Mission Creek

And beautiful bridges across the creek:

For the more adventurous there are rock crossings as well:

Here is a fun arbor

And a play area for children

After you explore the main garden, don’t forget to cross the road and explore the upper garden. According to my records I had not been to the Garden since 2013 and this area has been transformed since then. Notably, the Pritzlaff Conservation Center and the Island View Garden. Here are a few photos in this area.

We decided to become members of the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden that day. Not only does it allow free admission as often as you want and other local member benefits. It also allows access to 345 botanic gardens and arboreta around the US.

You can find more information about the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden here at their web site!


Written by sbrobert

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