Roe v. Wade Rally at De La Guerra Plaza

By Marian Shapiro

Here are my photos from the Roe V. Wade Rally on Wednesday at De La Guerra Plaza. 

Each of the speakers were excellent, powerful and inspirational. Speakers were Rev. Mark Asman, Rev. Julia Hamilton, Dr. Jenna Tosh   CEO of Planned Parenthood of the Central Coast,  Mayor Cathy Murillo, Senator Monique Limon, and Luz Reyes-Martin, Vice President of Community Engagement for Planned Parenthood California Central Coast.

All photos can be viewed here:


Written by Anonymous

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  1. No one is debating whether a fetus should be aborted the day before delivery, NO ONE. The only people saying this crap is the impeached president and religious wing nuts who don’t understand what an abortion really is. If a fetus dies the day before a delivery, it’s a miscarriage or stillbirth and its awful and tragic but not an abortion. No doctor has ever or will ever advocate for abortion that close to term. Idiocy all around VOR, geez.

  2. SUN – I’m 100% pro choice and pretty liberal, but I think you’re missing that women aren’t being penalized for having sex or even becoming pregnant. What the anti-choice crowd wants, and what Texas has done, is to be able to penalize them for choosing to abort the fetus. It’s completely wrong, but it’s a little different than what you’re arguing.

  3. 1:23 (VOICE) – How about you explain why it’s wrong instead of just saying so? Does or does not most of the far right espouse extreme religious values? Are or are not such values, at their core, based on male supremacy and subservience of women? Answer is yes, they do and they are. Not a chance in heck you can convince us that the far right is not archaically religious.

  4. Great point and original comment Coast and Conservative! You’re both so right, a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body when pregnant is exactly the same as an infectious disease that is spread unknowingly (or knowingly if you’re the last prez) to innocent people. Exactly the same, abortions are just as infectious. No need to discuss further, you’re both geniuses.

  5. It’s a baby if it’s born, it’s a fetus when its in utero. Fetuses do not have “rights,” as they are not being yet. It’s up to the mother and her doctor to determine what the best options are. That’s constitutional law,

  6. 9:29 – exactly, so if it doesn’t affect others, other than the mother and the fetus/cluster of cells, then it’s not the same as COVID. Therefore, you can say “my body, my choice” about abortion, but the same doesn’t ring true for the vax, because, as you indirectly pointed out, not being vaxxed is not just about “my body,” it’s about EVERYONE else’s body too.

  7. Passing criminal laws for Vaginas/Women and not an equal criminal law for penises/Men is Discrimination of the law and a violation of the 14 Amendment. The law can not be biased and deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Without sperm there is no baby and therefore the law must be equal and make it a crime for a male to fertilize a Women’s egg resulting in an UNWANTED pregnancy. Making it a crime for women and not for men is a violation of the law, the law can not be biased towards women!!!

  8. The far right extremists always want to take control of women’s bodies. Put them in their place. Take away all of their rights. Far right fascist control by the minority based on religous BS that less than 40% of the country believes in. Stop legislating morality.

  9. Some of these comments are really something and so hypocritical. I’m not necessarily anti abortion, I feel that is between a woman and her own soul/spirit and God but, I do know a couple of people who found out later in life that their mothers were considering aborting them. Ask them how they feel about the “cluster of fetal cells”. It’s funny how some exhibit such compassion only towards certain people/groups, but none towards others. Either you are compassionate or your’re not, there is no picking and choosing here. Some of you need some seriously soul and spirit searching.

  10. “Cluster of fetal cells” argument I mean. It’s life, period. You’d be horrified if someone kicked a pregnant woman in the stomach killing the baby wouldn’t you? At any stage, even 1st trimester, causing a miscarriage. Or nah, then you would change your compassion again or views? Good grief.

  11. I guess for you a non-viable fetus is a little human being? You have to be a religious person with faith in an unseen buddha/christ/hindi/pagan deity. Personally, I would like us to focus more on the starving uneducated kids that already exist than worry about the little collections of cells that came from following our biological sex drives.

  12. Nothing worse than an Evangelical citing their ignorance/hate as fact. The worst people in the world and our society are religious zealots. They are the very definition of awful.
    LPT: Never, ever, ever trust a man who tells you he speaks or acts for God and never, ever trust any woman who subjugates themselves and bows on their knees to such a man. Both are fools but one is dangerous.

  13. The abortion debate at this point isn’t really about whether you can have one or not … it’s how late into the process you should be able to have one. How late in the process should it be allowed…? Anyone have an answer…

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