Major Flooding on Bath Street

By an edhat reader

Flooding at Anapamu & Bath (around 2:30 am Sunday). I could hear running water, looked outside and there was a flood! I was afraid my car wouldn’t start but I got out of there just in time!!




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  1. Oh just another water main break-Happens every day in the City of SB-Time to get some new blood and actually rework our prehistoric infrastructure-with our annual budget (I cant count that high) you think the City would replace some of our 100 year old water mains-When they do they have subcontractors do it -even thou they have more employees and equipment just sitting around compared to the subcontractors like Lash- oh ya Lash is usually the sub for 90%+ of the jobs (thats weird)

  2. After personally being forced to change out my wye (….. AND pay for the entire process) , I was told that recent policy changes state that the homeowner is responsible for their lateral line to the city main. When the repair happened, which can ONLY be done by LASH or Tierra, I discovered that the replacement piece is in fact NOT my lateral connection , but they replaced a section of the City’s main, which has the wye built into it. By all accounts, since this section is part of the actual main as it is one complete section, I fail to understand how this section of the sewer main becomes my problem. My lateral , which I am responsible for, attaches to the City’s main (which includes the wye), so this ultimately is the City forcing residents to pay for the City’s failing water/sewer mains. There is a huge difference in maintains my lateral and the connection to the City’s wye versus being forced to pay for the City’s replacement of a section of their main. Unfortunately, the City has us over a barrel and forcing the issue – if you don’t pay for their repairs , they will levy fines and liens.

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