Local Activists Featured in Vanity Fair

Photo: Daniel Mansson (courtesy of Santa Barbara Channelkeeper)

Santa Barbara Channelkeeper has been featured in Vanity Fair’s article about the Coastkeeper Alliance. Executive Director Kira Redmond was interviewed for the expansive article on protecting local waters.

The Santa Barbara Channelkeeper took the Vanity Fair writer out on the water past the oil rigs where the article then goes into the historic oil spills our local area has been affected by. Redmond also explained the diversity of local marine life and their impact on the Santa Barbara Channel, which is home to many threatened and endangered species.

“We are proud to be featured in a national publication and think you might consider mentioning the article and that our local organization is getting national recognition,” said a representative from Santa Barbara Channelkeeper.

The article overall points out how local activists and organizations continue their work to protect local waters and the Pacific Ocean in the face of an administration that continues to issue up roadblocks.

The full Vanity Fair article can be read here.

Edhat Staff

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