Flooding and Hazards around Santa Barbara

By Scanner Andrew

To avoid spam, I’m starting a thread for all roadway flooding and hazards around the area related to the storm.


Written by ScannerAndrew

ScannerAndrew is a volunteer reporter who shares information from emergency scanner traffic and details from the scene of incidents.

What do you think?


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  1. So what’s YOUR solution, BASIC? Round them all up and ship ’em off to … what? concentration camps? And will you wish them the same end as other victims of fascist regimes in the past? How about a bit of basic compassion for your fellow humans who are in much worse shape than you could ever imagine.

  2. I have had the experience cleaning up a few on private property. When there located in the river bottom guess where it goes? After the storms over go look at your favorite creek bed. It will be scrubbed clean. Bushes, small trees, grass and weeds along with trash will be gone.

  3. As a scuba diver, I’m disgusted by the amount of trash in our oceans. I’ve personally retrieved garbage from our local beaches and islands for disposal. I routinely remove garbage when I hike our local trails. I’ve personally witnessed, photographed, and passed on to the local authorities homeless campsites where they litter garbage all over the beaches in Goleta. It’s disgusting.

  4. With all the upvotes for Oceandrew, and all the downvotes towards me, it’s no wonder we have a homeless problem. People are so sympathetic towards criminal behavior, and care less about the pollution of our water or the fires that add to the greenhouse gases affecting the environment.

  5. Aw, don’t be sore Superfreak. The downvotes are because there must be some middle ground between the issue going unchecked and taking homeless people into our homes, as you suggest. Neither are reasonable options. Offer a critically-thought out solution, and we are all ears.

  6. My thought is to repeal the Lanterman–Petris–Short Act. Commit the homeless that have mental illness and/or drug addiction to mental healthcare facilities. They are clearly incapable of caring for themselves and are a danger to society. That’s would be a great start.

  7. I bet some of the mentally ill homeless people would prefer living in a safe, pleasant sheltered environment (an institution). Others wouldn’t, and we could allow them their freedom. We’d still have some of the current problem, but at least there would be an option for those who don’t want to live rough. No reason it has to be all or nothing. Of course, we’d have to make sure the institutions were truly decent and pleasant.

  8. Hi, scientist Superfreak, in rhetoric that’s called a false choice. Either you open your home to the homeless or you do nothing. In adult life people generally understand that the choices before us are not all or nothing propositions.
    You’re super brilliant.

  9. Ah-ha, and here we agree. That would be a great start. You know what else would be a great start? Using our vast wealth as a nation to house, treat and work train people who are capable of achieving independence and productivity. But, the FACT, as is clearly demonstrated by POLICY in this country is that people don’t want to make a small contribution to lift assist their fellow human beings and citizens, wether they be homeless, disabled, mentally ill, children or seniors. Personally, I would love to be able to choose where to allocate my taxes so that I could stop supporting an insanely overpowered US military and spend my money on people here in my town who need help now, not at some point in the future.

  10. Sail 380, not entirely local but; my church, Planed Parenthood, Direct Relief International, Surfrider, Wilderness Youth Project, Unity Shop, Organic Soup Kitchen, local kids’ sports programs.
    On reflection, I could and will do a better job of giving to mental health related non-profits. Who do you like and why?

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