Californians Must Wear Face Masks in Higher-Risk Situations

Photo by Julian Wan on Unsplash

Source: County of Santa Barbara

The California Department of Public Health today released updated guidance that requires Californians to wear a face covering in high-risk settings. A growing body of scientific research has shown that people with no or few symptoms of COVID-19 can still spread the disease and that the use of face coverings, combined with physical distancing and frequent hand washing, will reduce the spread of COVID-19. 

“Science shows that face coverings and masks work,” said Governor Gavin Newsom. “They are critical to keeping those who are around you safe, keeping businesses open and restarting our economy.”

Governor Newsom also addressed why he took this action now. “Simply put, we are seeing too many people with faces uncovered – putting at risk the real progress we have made in fighting the disease. California’s strategy to restart the economy and get people back to work will only be successful if people act safely and follow health recommendations. That means wearing a face covering, washing your hands and practicing physical distancing.”

“As Californians venture into our communities more, wearing face coverings is another important way we can help protect one another,” said Dr. Sonia Angell, State Public Health Officer and Director of the California Department of Public Health. “Combined with physical distancing and frequent hand washing, wearing cloth face coverings when we are with others outside of our household will reduce the spread of COVID-19, which is still a very real threat across our state.”

Today’s guidance mandates the use of cloth face coverings by the general public statewide when outside the home, with limited exceptions. 

Californians must wear face coverings when they are in the situations listed below:

  • Inside of, or in line to enter, any indoor public space;
  • Obtaining services from the healthcare sector in settings including, but not limited to, a hospital, pharmacy, medical clinic, laboratory, physician or dental office, veterinary clinic, or blood bank;
  • Waiting for or riding on public transportation or paratransit or while in a taxi, private car service, or ride-sharing vehicle;
  • Engaged in work, whether at the workplace or performing work off-site, when:
  • Interacting in-person with any member of the public; 
  • Working in any space visited by members of the public, regardless of whether anyone from the public is present at the time; 
  • Working in any space where food is prepared or packaged for sale or distribution to others; 
  • Working in or walking through common areas, such as hallways, stairways, elevators, and parking facilities; 
  • In any room or enclosed area where other people (except for members of the person’s own household or residence) are present when unable to physically distance.
  • Driving or operating any public transportation or paratransit vehicle, taxi, or private car service or ride-sharing vehicle when passengers are present. When no passengers are present, face coverings are strongly recommended.
  • While outdoors in public spaces when maintaining a physical distance of six feet from persons who are not members of the same household or residence is not feasible.

The following individuals are exempt from wearing a face covering:

  • Children aged two and under;
  • Persons with a medical, mental health, or developmental disability that prevents wearing a face covering;
  • Persons who are hearing impaired, or communicating with a person who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication;
  • Persons for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk to the person related to their work, as determined by local, state, or federal regulators or workplace safety guidelines. 
  • Persons who are obtaining a service involving the nose or face for which temporary removal of the face covering is necessary to perform the service;
  • Persons who are seated at a restaurant or other establishment that offers food or beverage service, while they are eating or drinking, provided that they are able to maintain a distance of at least six feet away from persons who are not members of the same household or residence;
  • Persons who are engaged in outdoor work or recreation such as swimming, walking, hiking, bicycling, or running, when alone or with household members, and when they are able to maintain a distance of at least six feet from others;
  • Persons who are incarcerated. Prisons and jails, as part of their mitigation plans, will have specific guidance on the wearing of face coverings of masks for both inmates and staff.


The new guidance is here: Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings.

More information about the state’s COVID-19 guidance is on the California Department of Public Health’s Guidance web page.

More information about reopening California and what individuals can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19, visit Coronavirus (COVID-19) in California.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. 420722 – ohhh such a rebel! Well, some facts for you, James Dean – you DO NOT need to wear one outdoors unless you within 6 feet of someone else. Haha, it’s like me saying I won’t wear shirts or shoes in my own home!

  2. Masks prevent the spread of the virus:
    Social media lies about mask harm:

  3. Such a JOKE! Enforcement is required. It won’t happen. Non- Mask wearing tourists and covidiots will spread this disease. The numbers will just increase to the point it will break our healthcare system. For everyone else who cares NOT to spread or catch the disease Stay Home and wear a mask when required.

  4. There is a lag time between receiving a positive test and the subsequent increases in hospitalizations and deaths. Florida looks like it is going to be screwed in a week or two. 120,000 deaths in the US so far and growing daily.

  5. For those who like me, scratched their heads constantly at those who simply refuse to wear a mask or comply with distancing, if you want to understand this phenomenon better, check out the new study that just came out – that meets publication requirements, about psychopathic traits being linked to non-compliance with mask/social distancing requirements. You can find it if you DuckDuck it or look it up on the PsyPost org’s website. It answers alot of puzzling questions about this antagonistic, inconsiderate, and disagreeable character trait. Oh and CA doesn’t have the most stringent mask requirements. My family back east was surprised that it wasn’t statewide sooner as many other states were, already.

  6. The “not effective” masks are ones with one-way valves on the front, the kind people use when doing work with dust, etc. They keep particles out, but when you exhale, there is no filtration–you are breathing out virus if you have it. I see people wearing these, and they are absolutely not effective in preventing the spread to others, if you are wearing one. Many manufacturers making masks like that were promoting them for Covid19 prevention, but now they are required to disclose that they are the wrong kind of masks. Better to use a bandana than an N95 with a valve!

  7. CHIP no, CA did not have the most stringent mask requirements. Many other states were statewide with mask requirements for many weeks now. Take a look at AZ, they are at over 80% hospital capacity now as a result of not having ANY masking requirements. Please stop with the disagreeable, antagonistic, inconsiderate attitude please and care about your fellow humans.

  8. Also, I am someone who believes Hydrochloroquine works for some – I know some it worked for – and also believe in masking so ppl really need to stop making generalizations about people based on political stuff/stereotypes. Again this never should have become political. This is the MAIN problem with what we are seeing now.

  9. DW2000 – No, they won’t counter in any way, just cowardly “disagree.” They don’t like being proved wrong, so this is their “response,” much like the cons on facebook “respond” by posting memes as opposed to forming their own, logical argument. Simple folk, from a simpler time.

  10. Hydroxychloroquine (hydroxychloroquine systemic) is a member of the following drug classes: antimalarial quinolines, antirheumatics and is used to treat COVID-19, Dermatomyositis, Lyme Disease – Arthritis, Malaria, Malaria Prevention, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease. Not windmill cancer.

  11. CHICO – making everyone wear masks indoors where distancing isn’t possible is to lower the risk of YOU getting sick and spreading it before YOU possibly die from it. Stop being so upset that someone is trying to keep you alive.

  12. Here is an article from cbs dated March 3. It explains why masks are ineffective and may actually do more harm than good. The “science” these experts presented has changed a bit since then. However, if transmission of the virus is possible by touching one’s face the concerns expressed in this article remain valid today.

  13. @ 1:15. They are at a higher capacity in Arizona because many “non-essential” treatments and operations for patients that had been deferred because of COVID are now being treated – not because of COVID related admissions. The news about that “80% capacity” is from the virus is, well, it is more fake news to fit the alarmist MSM narrative.

  14. Chip. Your “source” is dated March 3rd. Do you seriously have to go back that far to find a mistaken nugget that adapts to your far-right agenda? The low information opinon piece you presented claims “experts” say a number of time, but does not say who these experts are and no studies are cited. It also cites Trump appointees who can’t be counted on. There are several major studies out now that show that masks lower the risk of transmission.

  15. Oh and Chip – the low information opinion piece you presented shows a Twitter post from Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General of the United States claiming masks don’t work. Adams later retracted this recommendation because he said there was new information about the asymptomatic spread of the virus.

  16. My comments are always removed from these posts, so I doubt that this will post. I just have to say that it is amazing to me that we have this many COVID experts, you should be proud! The folks here that realize these masks are essentially useless have my respect, the rest of you experts scare the hell out of me! Honestly I can’t believe I drive the same roads with you people. The science that our wonderful friend Newsom is talking about doesn’t fly! Their is no Science that backs up his order that everyone wear a mask. I invite all of you people that think us non conformists are stupid to inquire with Cal Osha & get the real facts. I don’t wear one because I’m Asthmatic & I’m not willing to have an asthma attack for any reason. Anyone that has asthma knows what I’m talking about. I guess what I’m saying is you dooms day folks shouldn’t call someone stupid, because they don’t do or act like you. I know that a mask is really bad for me & the people that are wearing them daily just might find that they may develop bronchitis or have some other issues from using them. Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble, but they simply don’t work for stopping a Virus. I would also like to point out that if you are so convinced they work, why worry about someone that doesn’t wear one, your wearing your mask so no worries! I just had to throw out my two cents!

  17. Masks are deceptive because they don’t prevent airborne virus particles from reaching your eyes, and they don’t prevent virus on your hand picked up from somewhere being transferred to your eyes when you touch your face. Masks only REDUCE, not ELIMINATE the virus plume emitted by some an infected person coughing or sneezing. If you think that mask is going to protect you in public where are sick people you are misinformed. The only way to avoid getting the virus is to avoid sick people in public, and to use all the fastidiousness you are capable of to keep your hands sterile before touching your face which you do 100s of times per day.

  18. Masks reduce the potential of infection by an infected person. Since a person can be infectious before they even know they are sick, mask wearing in public spaces is a good thing. I venture into public spaces only when necessary. This whole city is on the verge of becoming a hot zone with so many people disregarding the precautions required to halt the spread.

  19. You really should be prepared to wear a mask outdoors in case you are unable to keep 6 ft distance. It’s rather simple to wear a buff or bandana around your neck and simply pull it up if you must pass someone within 6′. Oooh…running Mike, so sad. I’ve worked in an industry that required mask wearing 6-10 hours a day, 5 days a week. You have faulty information. Keep spewing it though, and here’s to hoping nobody you love gets really sick or dies.

  20. Non-mask wearers are low information people, those who disavow science, education and authority. One very sad part of Nationalism is how dumb people become as they stop vetting information. These are the same type of people that were posting here just a week or so ago about how wonderful hydroxychloroquine is.

  21. I wanna’ cover 3 things
    • N95 masks and P95 masks with exhale ports
    • surgical masks
    • filter or cloth masks
    Okay so upon further inspection OSHA says some masks are okay and not okay in certain situations.
    If you’re working with fumes and aerosol chemicals and you give your employees the wrong masks and they get sick you can be sued.
    • N95 masks and ported P95: are designed for CONTAMINATED environments. That means when you exhale through N95 the design is that you are exhaling into contamination. The exhale from P95 (ported) masks are vented to breath straight out without filtration. They don’t filter the air on the way out. They don’t need to.
    Conclusion: if you’re in Stewart’s and the guy with Covid has P95 mask his covid breath is unfiltered being exhaled into Stewart’s (because it was designed for already contaminated environments, it’s not filtering your air on the way out)
    • Surgical Mask: these masks were designed and approved for STERILE environments. The amount of particles and contaminants in the outside and indoor environments where people are CLOG these masks very Very quickly. The moisture from your breath combined with the clogged mask with render it “useless” IF you come in contact with Covid and your mask traps it You become a walking virus dispenser. Everytime you put your mask on you are breathing the germs from EVERYWHERE you went. They should be changed or thrown out every “20-30 minutes in a non sterile environment”
    Cloth masks: today three people pointed to their masks as the walked by me entering Lowe’s. They said “ya gotta wear your mask BRO” I said very clearly “those masks don’t work bro, in fact they MAKE you sicker” the “pshh’d” me.
    By now hopefully you all know CLOTH masks do not filter anything. You mean the American flag one my aunt made? Yes. The one with sunflowers that looks so cute? Yes. The bandanna, the cut up t-shirt, the scarf ALL of them offer NO FILTERING whatsoever. As you exhale you are ridding your lungs of contaminants and carbon dioxide. Cloth masks trap this carbon dioxide the best. It actually risks health. The moisture caught in these masks can become mildew ridden over night. Dry coughing, enhanced allergies, sore throat are all symptoms of a micro-mold in your mask.
    Ultimate Answer: Ported P95 blows the virus into the air from a contaminated person and N95 holes are larger than the coronavirus and does not block particles that small. And most importantly, asymptomatic transmission is not happening anyway.
    The surgical mask is not designed for the outside world and will not filter the virus upon inhaling through it. It’s filtration works on the exhale. (Like a vacuum bag it only works one way)
    Cloth masks are WORSE than none.
    The CDC wants us to keep wearing masks. The masks don’t work.
    *Occupational Safety & Health Administration sited.
    The top American organization for safety.
    They regulate and educate asbestos workers, surgical rooms, you name it.
    If your mask gives you security wear it, just know it is a false sense of security.
    If stores stopped enforcing it no one would continue this nonsense.

  22. This is from the mask EXEMPTION list: Persons who are engaged in outdoor work or recreation such as swimming, walking, hiking, bicycling, or running, when alone or with household members, and when they are able to maintain a distance of at least six feet from others; If someone is outside not wearing a mask and maintaining proper distance, don’t freak out.

  23. Are referring to Dr fauci who out right lied to the American people about the use of face masks. He also misled us about the “model”. Who made him commissioner of the NFL, NBA and MLB?
    People will get sick, they always have and most get well – life!

  24. Remember kids that half the population holds an IQ of 100 or lower… 100 essentially means that you’re a functioning idiot. An avg idiot to be specific… These laws are put into place specifically for these people. They need them. We need them. For the funny thing about stupid people is that they do really stupid things, a lot… ——————————————————————————————– Stay safe and know that the people who dont wear a mask just make it easier to spot and avoid. They’re telling you from a far that they’re not very smart and are in fact, a risk. Kind of like a rattlesnake or a MAGA follower. They go out of their way to let you know who and what they are… Steer clear and you’ll be fine. Nature has a way of dealing with these types…

  25. Chelsea-Thank you for your unbiased clarity. I used to work in those environments for 22 years and your mask info is right on. Gov.Nuisance couldn’t find his ass with both hands and a mirror. “Covidiot”? That would be all you mask wearers pretending you know something that others don’t you are idiots. Go ahead and flag away real”covidiots”.On this forum that is a badge of honor.

  26. ‘Remember kids” really shows who YOU are as person.If you think I.Q. is a real test score of intelligence, than I believe you are not smart enough to see the forest for the tree in your face.I have mensa members in my family. Just because you passed a rigged test does not make you more intelligent. It rally only shows your indoctrination and narrow mind.

  27. I think it is interesting that new cases in California are increasing more rapidly than in other states despite having the most strict mask wearing requirements in the nation. The CDC’s website acknowledges a person can get the coronavirus by “touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.” The CDC also says “This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about how this virus spreads.” It’s refreshing to see they actually admit what they don’t know. Now let’s assume that touching a surface with the virus on it, and then touching your nose, mouth, or eyes can infect you. Masks are extremely uncomfortable, and people who wear them touch their faces constantly as a result. Forcing people to wear masks, particularly those who find them uncomfortable, would therefore dramatically increase the risk of infection via touching the nose, mouth, and eyes. Perhaps this will eventually prove to be the explanation for why cases are increasing more rapidly in California than in other states with lower rates of mask wearing. It would be ironic, but not surprising, if it turns out that California’s “science based” regulations were based on flawed assumptions and actually made things worse. Time will tell…

  28. SBO: Anger and contempt for those with whom you disagree only breeds hate and negativity, of which we have too much these days. Add to the fire if you must, but it’s really not helping the idea of bringing people together.

  29. To y’all who want to make a political statement Arnold is absolutely right. ” On Thursday, the “Terminator” star said wearing masks to stem the spread of COVID-19 shouldn’t be “a political issue.” He added, “Anyone making it a political issue is an absolute moron who can’t read.”

  30. I have to say your line about IQ test not being a test for intelligence did make me chuckle. Is a driver’s test not about testing for driving? How about the COVID19 test? Is that not about testing for Covid19? ———————– See kids, this is the problem with stupid people and why we need laws to protect the whole from their actions. Stupid people dont have enough sense to know they’re stupid. Take a look at Dunning-Kruger for insight on this, if youre smart enough to understand…. As far as CB, Forest Gump said it best “Stupid is as stupid does…”

  31. This is part of the way science works… your own logic may lead you to certain conclusions, but then you need to test that in the real world to make sure there isn’t something you missed. And follow the results of others doing the same. A number of studies looking at large populations link lower rates of infection with mask wearing. Macpuzl linked one of them below.

  32. This is part of the way science works… your own logic may lead you to certain conclusions, but then you need to test that in the real world to make sure there isn’t something you missed. And follow the results of others doing the same. A number of studies looking at large populations link lower rates of infection with mask wearing. Macpuzl linked one of them below.

  33. @chelsea – I want to cover one thing – the low information source you copied and pasted this diatribe from has no logical basis in the real world – It is also full of grammatical, spelling, and sentence structure errors that would lead anyone with any education to conclude that it is garbage.

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