New Target Parking Creates La Cumbre Traffic

By an edhat reader

The line of cars was crazy to get into Target’s parking lot.

By an edhat reader

Shoppers should be aware that La Cumbre Plaza is stating Target shoppers cannot park in their lot. KEYT posted a story that the Plaza manager is going to see how it goes before installing signs and hiring a towing company to enforce parking.

There are less than 100 spots for the Target store but more than enough in the La Cumbre lot, which will probably bring business to the plaza as well. 


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Yeah, who would have thought this would be good location. But it appears that Target’s Site Location Team has hit a home run on this one! Cars are lining up and this weekend the store will really be packed with customers.

  2. That’s not at all what happened, though the truth isn’t much better. Somehow, parts of a survey were shifted multiple feet, and the design was created based on this survey under the assumption that the street was wider than it actually was. The mistakes weren’t found until much, much later, I believe not until construction had already begun (not 100% sure on the exact timing)

  3. The solution is simple: station at least one police officer at the site where through traffic is being blocked and just start writing tickets. That horrible fast-food chicken joint in the 3700 block of State Street still backs up traffic around the noon hour, despite posted signs saying you can’t do that. As long as no one gets ticketed, this will continue.

  4. It won’t be long before the Goleta Target opens, with plenty of parking. It’s a longer drive for Santa Barbarans, but you’ll avoid the 1% sales tax penalty SB charges for shopping within the city limits.

  5. This really cracks me up people saying “Just park at Panera” or “Just use the La Cumbre parking lot.” What a bunch of yahoos. Why should the owners of either of those lots be maintaining lots and repairing lots as a service for Target?

  6. Parking at Panera makes more sense in that it is closer to Target than “the mall.” However, If you take the MTD 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, or 11, you don’t need to worry about parking at all. MTD to Target = saving our planet one bit at a time.

  7. Don’t reward POOR POLICIES at the city. Supporting any company without sufficent parking increases the chances that more BAD polices at the City will be pushed. Developments like this offload their parking demand to City streets while increasing the value of a commercial property NOT paying its fair share. Residents need to reconsider where thy spend their money and the policies the City uses to get taxpayers to supplement the income and real-estate values of the 1%.

  8. The only reason the city of SB allowed this Target is because when they jacked up the sales tax by 1%, they then realized that people would go shop Target in Ventura or other places and the dollars would leave SB. This was their poor attempt to keep the money in SB. Bad location, bad parking, small store etc.

  9. And that is precisely why so many of us are so thankful that this Target is now open. Now, instead of going to five different stores, we can just go to one for nearly everything that we purchase. I wish there was a “mini” Target on the Eastside. Using public transportation to do our shopping is going to be soooooo much easier now.

  10. I am proud to say that I have never, and will never eat at Chic-Fit-A. They are homophobes that supported prop 8 full of hate and gave lots of money to conservative politicians. That place backs up traffic every day. Saw it yesterday. Just say NO to that horrible fast food chicken joint.

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