Featuring Designs by Andrew Thill
By the Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture
Last week, we unveiled the new K-Rail public art project in partnership with the City of Santa Barbara! This initiative celebrates our vibrant local art and businesses while energizing and beautifying the Downtown corridor.
Local artist Andrew Thill‘s stunning design now adorns eight K-rail panels spanning almost 40 feet at State and Haley streets. Chosen from 60 incredible submissions, Andrew’s “Iconic Santa Barbara” concept beautifully captures the essence of our beloved city.
The K-Rail artwork will be displayed for the summer. Huge thanks to Santa Barbara Beautiful for funding the artist honorarium and design work. See more of Andrew’s work on THILL CREATIVE’s website.
A much nicer appearance than the plain, dirty rails.
That’s true – it’s great artwork. But it’s only making the best of a bad situation. Let’s deal with the bad situation.
A K-Rail is a K-Rail. Lipstick on a pig, and all that.
Exactly what I thought when I saw them – lipstick on a pig.
Do the downvoters here really like the K-Rails? Is this what you want for downtown? Really? They’re ugly targets for graffiti and present an image of a city that just doesn’t care. If you like K-Rails and ugly shacks on our main street, then by all means reelect the current Councilmembers. If you would prefer a world-class pedestrian mall or an open street, then elect candidates who have the courage to actually make a decision.
Oh State St…how sad you are these days. Used to be cool.
Why not use architectural bollards, as is done throughout Europe? K rails are just too industrial looking even with the “art” treatment.
I’m gonna hazard a guess that the solid line of k-rails is needed to prevent the wild ones on e-bikes from flying through the intersection & becoming a hood ornament.
Bollards, although more attractive, wouldn’t accomplish this.
An attempt was made…