New 8-Seat Restaurant in Montecito?

By an edhat reader

Has anyone heard about Silver Bough opening up in the Montecito Inn?  It will only sit 8 people per night, with tickets purchased in advance and the tab at $550. The owner has said the food is so special that they will be wondering why the bill is not higher.  It will be an interesting experiment.

Here’s a recent article about it by Eater LA.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Montecito Journal Newspaper(20-27Dec2018), p. 46 & 47. S.B. County Sheriff list of items needed: (1) Surface Pro Tablet computers for use in emergency response -$15,600; (2) Nomex fire protective jackets – $27,750; (3) Tyvek protective suits, protective helmets, safety throw rope bags, headlamps, hip boots, personal flotation devices, heavy work gloves and shovels for deputies use in emergency disaster response – $22,750. Check to: Sheriff’s Benevolent Posse c/o S.B. County Sheriff’s Office, 4434 Calle Real, S.B. CA 93110. 805-881-3197. OR…$550 for one meal…

  2. I don’t see the cause for all the negative commentary. This is a top tier “prix fixe” meal, and affords the chef and the others, on down to line and prep cooks, the chance to work with very expensive ingredients and allows them a certain latitude of creativity. Personally, even if I could afford such luxury I would not indulge, as my palate is not refined enough to appreciate that level of food. But the people who do appreciate it are not just supporting the chef and the restaurant; there is a whole chain of vendors and tradesmen who gain from this.
    Hell, I’m a carpenter and this is just my opinion.

  3. It’s a bit tone deaf catering to the 1% even in Montecito. Not to mention it’s taking up a great restaurant space. I give it about the same amount of time as the same owner (Phillip Franklin Lee) had with the Frankland’s Crab & Co. just across the parking lot. Seems whoever he hired for market research was way way way off. Will be interesting to see what happens.

  4. The question is whether or not it is “their money.” Most of the excess money held by these folks is stolen from working class people by exploitation of the tax laws and schemes that move the money into places where it does not get taxed to pay even a small share of the cost of society. The growing rage is not unlike the time of the French Revolution. The absolute inability of the schemers to relate to the lives of the vast majority of the people overwhelms with pathos. The idea that you should just take what you can as part of the “American Dream” is sick. So, yes, perhaps those who are paying this exorbitant dinner cost got their money by serving the public and creatively inspiring and leading. If so, Bon Apetit. Otherwise expect people to be peering over your shoulder and criticizing your ostentation.

  5. I think it’s the exclusivity of the restaurant that irks folks and will end up being its demise. The premise seems out of touch with the reality of the SB population. Not sure why benign comments are getting voted down but again, anyone can look up the history of this chef to read some interesting history on his track record.

  6. Now there is an idiotic emotional statement by RUBAIYAT……if someone wants to pay $550 or whatever for it, they should be able to……why should anyone care ?….if the restaurant wants to charge that , let the marketplace decide……

  7. Wow…. this is such random and disconnected thread of comments. First , the fact that someone has opened a new restaurant is great news ! How rhey operate and who they serve should not be questioned. There is ABSOLUTELY no connection between the opening of a restaurant (and what their menu costs… ) and the needs of first responders (ie Montecito Fire) The Fire Dept is well funded and with the recent events , the recipient of many generous donations. If a new restaurant wants to try to cater to that segment of our community, why not applaud them for the effort and see if they can make a go at if – if they don’t , the space will get Re-tooled for a clientele that will support their survival. But, please don’t equate this new restaurant with the needs of first responders – it’s just ridiculous

  8. Nothing new. Check out the per night prices at high end hotels, first class air tickets (or helicopter & private jets per hour), home square footage–and number of homes–to name just a few perks of inheriting, creating or stealing large sums. And if you’re really curious, look up the year-by-year graph of how many billionaires were added per year this century. We’re devolving into a 2-class society right on schedule with other empires historically.

  9. Classic EdHat comments here. Some of you folks really need to check yourselves. The envy, the ignorance, the ‘tude’… You should ask yourselves why do you care what other people do with their money? Why would you begrudge the work of artisans and professionals attempting to do something truly amazing? This is an attempt by extraordinary professionals to create the finest meal possible, using the world’s finest ingredients and served in an intimate dining room here in our little town. These folks are going for the ultimate prize in dining, a 3 star Michelin rating. The envy shown by some of you is crass at best and sadly, typical of EdHat and today’s SB. Try not to begrudge others because you do not have what they have, don’t belittle them because you do not have the understanding to appreciate their art or the economics of today’s world. Those things fall on you, not on the creator or the client or the culture.

  10. Many good memories of eating and especialy getting cross-eyed drunk in the restaurant there. Watching Flora Purim and Airto Moriera play soulful latin jazz/funk. Good times. The closest I’ve gotten to being well-heeled is whenever I’ve gotten my work boots resoled. I hope their new venture is successful, and perhaps someone will be generous enough to include me in their party some fine evening. The Inn will make money off of me due to the fact that the world is a safer place since I quit drinking. In reading over the comments here I am reminded of the New Years’ resolution that Ive been contemplating; (a silly concept, a projection into an entire year, as I have only today, only now the breath that I am breathing at this moment. The past is history and tomorrow is a mystery. A New Days’ resolution may be more apt). My desire is to be able to identify fear based thinking in myself, with the understanding that in seeing who I am being in the moment I may be cognizent of the myriad choices present in any given moment…perhaps realize that I am living in a state of grace being alive at all.
    My only actual concern about the new restaurant is that they might be serving endanged species as the fare, last of their kind, available to the most jaded pf palates, like in the goofy movie made a number of years ago. It did turn out that they were being served chicken and being fleeced royally. And perhaps I am showing my sarcastic, snarky side here, being human and prone to such folly, disguised as humor and fooling no one, not even myself. A work in progress, me. You too. Let’s grow together this year, this day, this life.
    Say Amen somebody…..
    Peace Out,
    The Phantom

  11. One more restaurant I won’t be eating at. LOL, BUT , we can stand outside and wait to see who goes in , like Oprah, Ellen, Baldwin’s , Ashton , you know the celebrities, great place for the paparazzi to be.
    I’ll be across the street at Los Arroyo’s

  12. The only problem I have with the Montecito Inn is they continue to claim Charlie Chaplin built it. Totally bogus. In 1927 two Montecito residents formed the Montecito Company to build the Inn with the idea to lease out operation of it. It was a hit for a year or so then the Great Depression hit and several operators struggled financially to make a go of it.

  13. I am pleased to read these entertaining comments. They appear to illustrate the polarization that now burdens this country. On the one hand there are those that support this money making endeavor because it embodies the ideals of the American dream. On the other there are those that see a $550/person restaurant startup as symbol of excess and greed. With current policies favoring the economic and social polarization I expect these differences will be with us for the foreseeable future.

  14. Places like this are not created for the population of SB, they’re for foodies from all over the world and especially those who live within an hour’s (+/-) drive. People want to spend their money on experiences these days. Remember that the Biltmore and the Miramar and The Ranch, are not here for the locals but for travelers with money who come here to enjoy the climate and the beauty and the luxury of some of the finest hotels in the world. This place will do just fine in spite of all the lowly complainers who populate EdHat and the flats of SB whining about income distribution and their own lack of culture.

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