Neighborhood Occurrence near Micheltorena St.

by an edhat reader

I live on the west side close to Micheltorena St. This may be a bit paranoid, but today as I was working in my yard, I saw three caucasian twenty something women with backpacks on walking around the neighborhood. They were meeting up randomly with a man behind the 99 cent store and walking away again. I asked one of them if she needed help, and she told me she was there to meet a friend that was in trouble. Then, they all disappeared. Am I overthinking this, or is there a new scam? I called the police department non-emergency number but could not get a human. Any ideas?


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Never hurts to check out suspicious actions from unfamiliar people. Instead of looking for someone in trouble, as they said, they could easily have been looking for porch packages to steal. Sure doesn’t hurt to ask them. Might have scared them away.

  2. Did you call it in as a possible drug call? I think I heard that call if the female had a pink back pack I heard the call but did not get it written down because it has been a busy day I don’t get everything..I would have called it in too but not as a drug thing just suspicious good for you for calling it in and watching out for your HOOD that is what were all about here..

  3. Sounds suspicious to me. Allowing women the same opportunities allows women life choices they didn’t formerly have. Many use their intelligence, talent, energy to achieve and add to the GNP and society. Some show what they’ve always been, user-loser sleazeballs like the guys they prefer. All males aren’t predatory jerks & all females aren’t models of virtue. Same goes for all race, color & creeds. No pop-out-buttons to separate out bad meat like on Thanksgiving turkeys to show they’re done.

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