More Cases of Coronavirus in California

The global map of the spread of the coronavirus on January 31 (slide 1) and January 26 (slide 2) [Photos: CDC]
Update by edhat staff
February 3, 2020

The total cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus detected in California have risen to six as of Monday, February 3.

There are 11 total confirmed cases in the United States, none of these are in Santa Barbara County.

Ventura County released a statement that two people were tested for the virus. One of the tests came back negative while results are still pending for the other test. Currently, there are no confirmed cases of the coronavirus on the Central Coast of California.

On Sunday, a husband and wife were diagnosed with the virus in San Benito County. The husband traveled to Wuhan, China, where the virus is believed to have originated, but the wife contracted the disease in the second person-to-person transmission in the U.S., according to a statement from health officials. The husband was screened at San Francisco International Airport on January 24 and was without systems, although he and his wife developed them days later. Both have remained in their home since the diagnosis.

Another case was reported in Santa Clara County after a woman traveled from Wuhan to the area. This is the second case in Santa Clara County, however, officials state the two cases are unrelated, CNN reported

Earlier this week edhat reported two cases in Southern California, Los Angeles and Orange counties.

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department (SBCPHD) is working closely with the California Department of Public Health and the CDC to respond to the outbreak of this novel coronavirus. SBCPHD is communicating with local health care providers on how to safely and effectively evaluate ill people who have been to China. They are providing updates on their website.

The coronavirus has caused 361 deaths and more than 17,000 people have been diagnosed, most of which are in China. All deaths related to the virus have taken place in China except for one reported in the Philippines. The virus has spread to more than 20 countries and territories.

A global emergency was declared last week by the World Health Organization and the Trump administration announced a public health emergency Friday while evacuating citizens and personnel from China. A temporary travel ban was approved to bar foreigners from entering the U.S. if they have been to China in the past 14 days, with exceptions for the immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents.

By edhat staff
January 26, 2020

Two cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus that originated in China have been detected in Los Angeles and Orange counties.

The outbreak of this respiratory illness started in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. It causes some patients have a mild illness while a small number have had a more severe illness, and a few have died. Cases have been diagnosed in fourteen countries and now in California, Washington, and Illinois.

Health officials confirm the cases in Southern California came from people who recently traveled to Wuhan. A returning traveler who landed in Los Angeles County is receiving medical treatment. The patient in Orange County is in good condition and is isolated at the hospital. 

Health officials state the risk of local transmission remains low and anyone who has come into close contact with the patients has been contacted.

Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that are common among animals and humans. In rare cases, animal coronaviruses can be transmitted from animals to humans. This novel coronavirus is a newly discovered coronavirus that has not been previously detected in animals or humans. The source of the novel coronavirus is not yet known.

Early on, many of the patients in the outbreak in Wuhan, China reportedly had some link to a large seafood and animal market, suggesting animal-to-person spread. However, a growing number of patients reportedly have not had exposure to animal markets, suggesting person-to-person spread is occurring. At this time, it is unclear how easily this virus is spreading between people, according to the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department.

Typically, human coronaviruses cause mild-to-moderate respiratory illness. Symptoms are very similar to the flu, including: runny nose, headache, cough, sore throat, fever, shortness of breath.

Most people with illnesses due to common coronavirus infections recover on their own. There are no specific treatments but for patients who are more severely ill, hospitals can provide supportive care. 

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department (SBCPHD) is monitoring the situation and working with partners to identify any possible cases. No cases have been reported in Santa Barbara County.

If you have traveled to China between December 15, 2019 and now, and you have become ill with fever, cough or shortness of breath, call your health care provider. Please be sure to tell your health care provider about your travel history.

For the most up to date information regarding the 2019 novel coronavirus, visit

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. As I stated , many hand sanitizeres do NOT work on viruses. A well fitting N95 mask does a very good job, but, agreed, it isn’t 100%. Same with the glasses; they reduce exposure to a high degree, but are not 100%. I also agree that folks who itch and touch their mouth or eyes are likely toast. This is a multi faceted problem requiring a similar response, not simply washing hands correctly.

  2. 2pm Sunday Jan 26th. Home Depot completely sold out of any and all masks. I personally saw at least three groups of Asians wearing masks that were in the store asking about the purchase of additional masks. Response from Home Depot: demand is too high to predict when supplies will be available…first come, first served. Yikes. Anyone know when and where Direct Relief will be providing masks to the community as they do during fires ?

  3. Paranoia will destroy ya. Last I heard their was nothing to worry about yet or at all. Besides if it is spreading among us and if you’re healthy you should be fine after the virus runs it’s course. I’m not a doctor, but I pretend to be.

  4. Stay home, close your windows, close your eyes, don’t get out of bed! Come on, people. There’s no evidence that any of the US cases have infected anyone else. The person in Washington is almost fully recovered and the one in Chicago is getting better every day. Being cautious in cold/flu season is smart, but paranoia is not necessary. Wash your hands, try not to touch surfaces that many people touch, and if you do, keep your hands away from your face and wash them again! And keep washing them.

  5. An interesting note about door knobs and hardware: Hardware made of uncoated copper or plated with sterling silver, will not allow bacteria and viruses to survive. I expect that this was a major reason for eating and drinking from silver in old times. Obviously, not all could afford to eat from silver and those that ate from pewter got dosed with lead. Silver was especially important when utensil cleaning was minimal or water was not available. Some hospitals are changing out the stainless hardware for copper, because while stainless steel may LOOK clean and modern, it is a haven for germs. Not wanting my lips to touch airline cups, I have made a sterling silver straw to use on my dreaded upcoming flight. (along with sanitizer wipes, mask, glasses etc) Yes, my mask will be slightly open when I drink, but I’ll not breathe until the straw is out. As if back to back nine hour and a 5 hour flights were not already bad enough!

  6. The ignorance level on this story is shocking. Clearly no one here reads international news. From CNN:
    Rising toll: 82 people are dead and more than 2,700 cases have been confirmed in mainland China, as the Wuhan coronavirus continues to spread throughout Asia and the rest of the world.
    China on lockdown: Nearly 60 million people have been affected by partial or full lockdowns in Chinese cities as the country’s government steps up its response.
    Global spread: There are more than 50 confirmed cases in 13 places outside of mainland China, including at least five in the United States.
    Contagious before symptoms: People can spread the virus before symptoms show, China’s health minister said Sunday, complicating efforts to contain the outbreak.
    There are confirmed cases in the US, 2 just 2 hours south of here.
    Wear masks, and N95 are the most effective, though not bullet-proof. Wash hands, avoid contact and crowded places. It’s spread by touch and then you put your hands to your eyes, nose or mouth; it’s also spread by coughing and kissing.
    And, no China’s regime has totally failed to quarantine it in time or catch it, so it is spreading into Europe and America.

  7. I recently received an item that was picked up in Hong Kong by DHL at 11:08 am Jan 9, left Hong Kong at 4:25 am Jan 10, arrived at LAX at 3:58 pm Jan 9 (time zone differences), and arrived at my doorstep in SB at 4:57 pm Jan 10. (It was an expensive item and the shipping was $32 with no options for slower delivery.)

  8. Common flu symptoms: fever or feeling feverish/chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue
    2019-nCoV symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath. The absence of symptoms is as important as the presence of symptoms in making the distinction.

  9. “As a precautionary measure against the spread of coronavirus, all…students, faculty, and employees who travelled abroad in the last two weeks are required to do a two-week self-quarantine (e.g., stay at home). If you are one of them, please email Health Services a scanned copy of your passport’s bio-page, the page indicating your arrival date, and your boarding pass. Special class attendance policy will be arranged for faculty and students through Academic Office…” . This is not in U.S., but a good idea. —

  10. The virus is making its slow march. It has quickly passed up SARS in total infections. The death rate is holding above 2%. We’ll see in a few weeks how we fare. It’s like when the Thomas Fire was near Omani, and we had no idea what was coming our way.

  11. So far, the new corona virus is proving to be less deadly than the “normal” flu that has already infected and killed far more people this year. Of course, most of those killed by the flu were unvaccinated, and a corona virus vaccine has not yet been released, but it still seems the corona virus threat is being exaggerated a bit.

  12. Yes, but a large part of the apparent higher mortality rate of a new pathogen is a selection effect. The elderly and immune compromised are infected and die, and initial mild cases aren’t even documented. Once the pathogen is more widespread, and has infected a more representative cross-section of the populace, the mortality is less. It’s still wise, of course, to prepare for the potential of a pathogen that may prove to be more virulent, but this one doesn’t appear to be particularly deadly.

  13. Here’s a snippet from a site that I follow tracking this: “To all the people thinking the boy is still crying wolf, this ain’t the flu. Out of 14,000 confirmed cases, 2,000 are still in the hospital in serious/critical condition. That means if you get it, you have a 14% chance of landing in the hospital according to official numbers.” The death rate according to official numbers is ~2%, whereas regular flu is ~0.1%. If this virus pronates like ordinary flu, then a staggering number of people are going to be negatively affected.

  14. You forgot Santa Clara County. Man made viruses are no joke – much worse than naturally ocurring. PPL should be concerned and heightened awareness. This is a man made virus ppl. Scientists finding genetic markers in it that don’t occur naturally.

  15. And I’m fully aware that anyone can (and will) “refute” “our” “scientific” articles by claiming that the authors and researchers are in cahoots with each other and can manipulate data and its transmission (again, of data, not viruses.)
    Hard to argue with that. Over and out. Be healthy, be happy. 🙂

  16. Media needed a new click-bait distraction to avoid reporting the real news that counters their pre-conceived political biases. The 24 hour news cycle needs sufficient daily drama to keep reader eyeballs hooked. This over-hyped, global plague fits their agenda perfectly. It is mainly a bad cold, folks. Be well and thrive.

  17. I would be cautious on how some people are arriving at that stunningly low mortality. They’re using the total number of infected in that calculation, which is wrong. Mortality is defined by dividing the total number dead by the sum of the dead and those who survived, then multiplying by 100 (mortality = dead/(dead+recovered)*100). If you do this the mortality is currently 40%. You cannot count the total infected, because they have neither recovered nor died, so their fate remains to be seen. To get the current dead and recovered, see the John Hopkins website:

  18. I was going to cite their info, but it seems Zerohedge took down the article I read just yesterday, or even today, as I think it was after midnight. Oh well.
    Whoa wow, looks like entire articles at the Lancet are freely available. Do your own research — if you really think you’re able. ================================================================
    Stat news is a good resource for normies; I’ve been a subscriber for a few years now. It’s good for us laypeople.
    Quick retraction of a faulty coronavirus paper was a good moment for science ________ ___________________________________________________________________
    This of course erupted online and fed conspiracy theorists. Sorry this post is such a mess. Paragraph breaks would be great. I’ll stop adding info now.

  19. We would’ve heard if they were positive. We have heard no more. Did you post to raise anxiety? —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————— Lab results for one of two people in Ventura County tested for coronavirus show no sign of the illness, the county’s public health officer said Friday night.
    The results mean the person will be able to leave isolation, said Dr. Robert Levin of the Ventura County Public Health Department. Test results from the second case have not yet been received and that person remains isolated and monitored.
    Despite the two possible cases that emerged this week, Levin called the immediate health risk in Ventura County low. He expressed confidence that if confirmed cases of coronavirus emerge, the spread will be limited.
    “I think the evidence that we have shows that it can spread from human to human, but it does not readily do so in the way measles does,” he said of a virus that has caused nearly 10,000 infections worldwide and more than 200 deaths, all in China.

  20. Daily updates at this site:
    Quoting from the site:
    “The death rate from 2019-nCoV isn’t yet known. In the beginning of an outbreak, the initial cases that are identified “skew to the severe,” which may make the mortality rate seem higher than it is, Alex Azar, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Homeland Security (HHS), said during a news briefing on Tuesday (Jan. 28). The mortality rate may drop as more mild cases are identified, Azar said.
    Currently, most of the patients who have died from the infection have been older than 60 and have had preexisting conditions.”

  21. “Too many people getting flu shots these days. forces viruses to mutate into new forms for their own survival. ” — This is utterly false, and isn’t how mutations and evolution work. “We could use being a little messier existence” — perhaps so, but that would be for the sake of our immune systems, which would pose an even greater threat to the virus, contradicting the previous nonsense.

  22. The fact is that reported mortality rate is too *low* because all cases in progress are being treated as recoveries. A correct mortality rate is deaths/(cases that have run their course) … we have that for previous outbreaks but not for this outbreak in progress, so comparisons of mortality rate are invalid. And even if the mortality rate is only 1%, the ease of spread and the fact that it can be spread before symptoms appear means we could well be looking at tens or hundreds of millions of deaths, with this becoming a seasonal threat. Personally, as a senior with a history of lung infections, I’m not reassured by these efforts to downplay it … CDC funding has been decimated, and we need popular support to get it back to snuff.

  23. 362 deaths, 487 recovered … this suggests that the mortality rate is possibly a lot higher than the 2-3% being reported based on deaths/cases. And the mortality rate for those who entered the hospital is at least 15% (it’s not clear how representative those people are). People who think this is just about the media making bucks are dimwitted and dangerous.

  24. Too many people getting flu shots these days. forces viruses to mutate into new forms for their own survival. They are part of the web of life too, We could use being a little messier existence, and developing more resilience to enduring outside threats. We cannot demand magic bullets that protect us from everything. And fall apart when magic totems yet again fail.

  25. This fake news post made me google vaccination rates. Data shows that only 43% of the general population got a few shot this year, and only 78% of Health Care Professionals. So apparently you have a lot of people in agreement with you about the messier existence required for more resilience. The craziness just expands, like entropy.

  26. It says “6.7% of the deaths occurring during the week ending January 18, 2020 (week 3) were due to P&I” (pneumonia and influenza). That’s not a flu mortality rate, that’s the percentage of all deaths (I assume … no qualifier is given) that are due to P&I. The Lancet paper calculates that the flu mortality rate is upwards of double of previous estimates … I’m in no position to evaluate their work, but it seems plausible to me. On molecular proofreading, see … and a lot of so-called “junk” (non-coding) DNA may not really be junk, having undergone exaptation: Some of the long-term consequences of viral infection and incorporation into the genome may positive … evolution makes use of whatever is available.

  27. New Jersey port, ship Anthem of the Seas (Royal Carribean Cruise Lines) patients taken off ship that is quarantined there. Also, Diamond Princess port of Japan, quarantined, patients removed to hospital. Several other ships are quarantined, too. I wonder if Cottage is prepared to take patients IF a cruise ship in our channel is quarantined? Also, are our EMS people prepared with appropriate gear to protect them? Photos of New Jersey show the EMS people with NO FACE MASKS, no protection whatsoever, and pushing the patients to the waiting ambulances.

  28. Believe nothing the evil communist Chinese government says. No one from Wuhan or who traveled through Wuhan should be allowed into the US. Everyone who travels here from China should be screened and quarantined. America First.

  29. 1/27/20 Oceania ms Insignia was here –S.B–. Coming soon: to Santa Barbara: 3/4/20 Amadea; 3/24/20 Grand Princess; 4/6/20 ms Eurodam; 4/8/20 Star Princess; 4/24/20 Volendam; 4/27/20 ms Oosterdam; 4/28/20 ms Maasdam; more in May/June/July.

  30. We always wash our hands after coming home from any outing, and have for many years. Now I’m thinking more closely, and realize that the steering wheel has never been washed nor the door handles. I asked at my favorite coffee shop where I eat b’fast…”do you have a dishwasher?” and was told no. Handles/utensils for the food I eat there, unheated. Even the handles of my own silverware at home are suspect…but I DO use my dishwasher. Money can also be contaminated by fecal transmission of coronavirus (Hep A type precaution). I’m not doing handshakes anymore, just bow and clasp hands in prayer mode, which I learned from my doctor who has always done this. Thank you Dr. Marta Sovilj.

  31. Autoimmune illnesses (immunocompromised dangers re CDC) list, and if you have any of these you are at increased risk (and if you are a senior citizen even moreso) from coronavirus. Examples are lupus, MS, myositis, celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, pernicious anemia. Here’s the list: t

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