Monte Vista Elementary School Under Lockout

By an edhat reader

A message just received from the school principal of Monte Vista Elementary School:

Lockout ALL ARE SAFE, and there is no danger on campus.
Dear parents,
We are currently in a lockdown that I called because a stranger on campus refused to leave. He has subsequently left to the park. The police are here and will not dismiss anyone to the park until we get the all clear.

Please remain off campus until you get the all clear message.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. No Santa Barbara was not always like this, not while Harriet Miller was mayor. After her, city fell into typical progressive mismanagement and we have what we now have. City pretty much has encouraged vagrant takeover of large parts of our city and public buildings. Police chief has not helped at all, but she works at the pleasure of the city too. Pays to be an informed voter next time you get a chance to change things.

  2. At least we left school knowing how to read, write and do arithmetic back in the duck, cover and polio days. Kids today are short-changed every which way to Sunday in K-12. Thank your local school board and the voters who elected them if you don’t like the direction schools have been going of late.

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