Minor Injury Accident

Reported by Roger the Scanner Guy

12:13 p.m., September 27, 2017

Hit and run 31 West Gutierrez SBPD with a possible suspect vehicle.


Written by Roger

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  1. sounds a lot like you. I think 1984 was trying to have a joke. You should just go back to abusing your family if they are not already in hiding. you seem to have something nasty to say about most other commentors but you seem to have a verry limited knolage base (less than high school ) so dazzle me brother if you can…

  2. sounds a lot like you. I think 1984 was trying to have a joke. You should just go back to abusing your family if they are not already in hiding. you seem to have something nasty to say about most other commentors but you seem to have a verry limited knolage base (less than high school ) so dazzle me brother if you can…

Semi on Fire

September Old Town Goleta Update