Lightning, Hail, and Power Outage Reports

(photo: Mike Eliason)

Edhat readers share their photos, videos, and reports from the intense storm that hit Santa Barbara on March 5, 2019. See them all below!

By Mike Eliason of Santa Barbara County Fire Department

Lightning strikes in the skies above Santa Barbara, CA, March 5, 2019, as seen in these views from Stearns Wharf.

Photo by @colinmccrindle

By an edhat reader

We set up a tripod on the roof and took a few hundred pics and selected the best to give to you. I am 12 years old and love photography. 


By Sophie Cameron (daughter of HolaZola)

Lightning In Paradise, so photos shot from Goleta.

Photos by Yesenia Thomas

Captured from the top of Old San Marcos.

Video by Mark W.

By an edhat reader

Lightning in Isla Vista, Platform Holly hit. Monster cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning seen from Isla Vista.

Video by Sara G.

Video by Rey H.

Lightning strike near Mussel Shoals

Reported by edhat readers

  • Is anyone else hearing that roaring thunder? We’re on the westside and its every few minutes, getting deeper and almost rattling our windows.

  • Intense lightning off the water.

  • Strong winds and hail off Painted Cave.

  • Lights flickering, some houses dark, off State and Sola Streets.


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Hearing it real good near the Mission. Lots of brownouts. I’m outside under my patio cover waiting for the dime sized hail to start falling. I love severe weather! It reminds me of Nothern California and Kansas.

  2. You may want to get inside in a bit. That band coming is concentrated and many, many times larger than what you’re experiencing now. I’m up in Solvang and we are getting different bits and pieces. But she’s coming for you.

  3. I stepped inside for a bit when there was less than a 2 sec delay between the flash and thunder. I’m hoping that the St. Anthony’s Tower or the Mission is a good lightning rod. A few minutes ago I must have heard half a dozen emergency vehicles going somewhere north of the Mission.

  4. I forgot the exact time, but in the late 4 p.m. hour? It was as dark as 5 p.m., some showers, then the sun came out and a stunning complete rainbow was visible (from San Roque)? That was so beautiful. Others must have seen it, no?

  5. That would be north of the SB Mission. They could have been going to San Roque or up Mission Canyon. The thunder is less than 2 sec after the lightning. I’m back outside again. That cell in the Channel coming our way will be a lifetime memory.

  6. If you need to take cover inside your home because of winds or tornado, go in your closet and put pillow over your head. Stay away from glass/windows, flying debris of any kind. Other option is get in bathtub and put mattress over you.

  7. That big blob in the channel could be a big problem. Make sure you’re safe.
    Flood Advisory
    National Weather Service OXNARD CA
    830 PM PST TUE MAR 5 2019
    Santa Barbara CA-San Luis Obispo CA-
    830 PM PST TUE MAR 5 2019
    The National Weather Service in OXNARD has issued a
    * Flood Advisory for…
    Santa Barbara County in southwestern California…
    Southern San Luis Obispo County in southwestern California…
    * Until 1130 PM PST.
    * At 822 PM PST, National Weather Service Doppler radar and
    automated rain gauges indicated moderate to heavy rain with
    embedded thunderstorms moving over Santa Barbara County this
    evening. Rainfall rates between 0.33 to 0.50 inch per hour have
    been observed. Roadway flooding and flooding of small creeks and
    streams is likely. Minor mud and debris are possible near the
    Thomas, Whittier and Sherpa burn areas.
    * Some locations that will experience flooding include…
    Santa Maria… Santa Barbara…Lompoc…Montecito…Santa Ynez…
    and the Thomas…Whittier and Sherpa burn areas.

  8. This is so informative and amazing (and cool): Real Time Lightning Map (Thanks, poster!) Interesting for SB to be the focal point of CA coastal weather. N. CA sure needs a break. _____________________________
    Strokes of the last 60 minutes are shown. The real-time data comes directly from the computing servers of, which are fed by hundreds of stations on several continents. The delay is calculated from the time stamps of each strokes compared to the current time.
    New lightning strikes have a red circle which gets smaller and disappears when it gets older than 60 seconds.
    The color of filled circles represent the age of strikes up to 60 minutes. New strikes are yellow. The older they get, the darker the color. Dark brown is equal to almost 60 minutes. Those strikes will vanish soon.
    On higher zoom levels the thunder front of current strikes is shown as white transparent growing circle (speed of sound). It gets more transparent while travelling and disappears after a while.
    IMPORTANT: This map is intended for entertainment purposes only! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=1;z=11;y=34.3959;x=-119.7473;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;

  9. Nature is playing for keeps tonight. Flash Flood Warning
    Flash Flood Warning
    Flash Flood Warning
    National Weather Service OXNARD CA
    907 PM PST TUE MAR 5 2019
    The National Weather Service in OXNARD has issued a
    * Flash Flood Warning for…
    THE Thomas Burn Area IN Western Ventura County in southwestern
    California… Southeastern Santa Barbara County in southwestern
    * Until 1030 PM PST.
    * At 904 PM PST, Doppler radar indicated thunderstorms with very
    heavy rain with rates up to near 0.20 inches in 7 minutes about to
    move into the Thomas burn area. Flash flooding and debris flows
    are expected to begin shortly.
    * Some locations that will experience flooding include…
    The Thomas Burn area including M

  10. My little doggy is keeping herself buried under her blanket. I haven’t checked on my cats. One of them is a permanent scaredy-cat so she probably hasn’t moved from under the bed where she spends a lot of her life.

  11. Reports I saw before today said midnight to 3 a.m. might be the most intense. We’ll see. Water vapor & IR? Am I missing some sites? I only know of what’s been mentioned on this thread today — oh. I’m not good at exploring tabs and levels. Nice to see you.

  12. Rate is just now easing up here 101@154 so my sense is the burn areas will ease up in the next half hour or so. Even though the soil’s saturated, rates on the county sensors seem to be all below 1/3″/hour. If it doesn’t intensify strongly we might be ok. So far this band has gotten a bit stronger coming onshore, but is apparently fairly high because it rains all the way to the San Rafael & Sierra Madre ranges. SBA is reporting light rain right now, ceiling at 5k’. Just while typing this the rain here has eased to light. I’m smiling, and feeling sleepy now. Thanks for joining the late watch YinYang. 🙂

  13. OK heads up. Longer period of moderately heavy rain coming ashore now. Though less intense than the brief earlier squalls, this one might dump enough rain to cause problems. Especially since so much rain has already come down tonight. This squall is intensifying as it encounters the South facing slopes so up in the burn scar it could start getting ugly. Anyone have other resources indicating how this is going to unfold in the next hour or so?

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