Illegal Cannabis Seized from Coastline Site Near Goleta

Source: Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Cannabis Compliance Team conducted an illegal marijuana grow investigation yesterday, June 10, 2019, in the 5200 block of Shoreline Dr., just outside the City of Goleta. The investigation was the result of numerous community complaints to the County’s Planning and Development Department as well as the Sheriff’s Office. 

During the investigation, Detectives discovered the site was formerly operated under a state temporary cannabis license, which had expired with no progress made to renew. Despite this expired license, the operator continued to cultivate, harvest and sell cannabis illegally. As a result of this activity, detectives determined all existing plants had been recently harvested in preparation of being sold. Detectives attempted to contact the operator of this site to no avail. Just over 3,000 pounds of processed cannabis was seized.


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  1. If this were fish, corn, or tomatoes, it would be distributed/donated to those who are in need. But with this particular medication it’s always destroy, burn, destroy. It does not make sense for a compassionate society such as ours to do the wrong thing. Such a shame.

  2. Good work, SBSO. Keep it up. Since this is a new industry, get the message out early and get it out loud and clear. You come to Santa Barbara County, you can expect very strict scrutiny of your pot operations and plenty of people who already here who want to see you banished for good after the slightest infraction.

  3. The cannabis industry in Santa Barbara County is an unsustainable environmental nightmare. Marijuana grow waste gases pollute the air. Residents of Carpinteria are worried about decreasing property values. Vintners in the valley are rightly concerned about losing business because of the fumes. This thing is just a big unregulated dumpster fire. Thanks supervisors.

  4. So here is the crazy part- the County actually GAVE the illegal operation authorization for a license last year- with no proof they’d been in operation prior to the ordinance- with no permit or inspection or anything- so now they turn around and bust it? Isn’t that like the tail wagging the dog, or???

  5. Let’s not forget that as soon as pot was legalized, teens started smoking it more than ever and parents didn’t have a good response to why they shouldn’t smoke it. Yet, pot is proven to damage the minds of chronic users and especially developing adolescents’ minds.

  6. You are all missing the main point of legalizing drugs. It will take money away from Mexico!!! The cartels run Mexico,from the president to city officials. Drug income has corrupted Mexico, and human smuggling. I say grow enough weed that we don’t need Mexicans weed no mas. Hell why were at it legalize cocaine etc. addicts are not going to stop doing drugs!! There’s always gonna be a demand for drugs. Americans love thier illegal narcotics. Since the early 1800s. Legalize it and control it!!

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