Historic Low Labor Day Gas Prices in Santa Barbara Since 2021

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This Labor Day weekend, residents and travelers in Santa Barbara were happy to discover a pleasant surprise at local gas pumps. For the first time since 2021, gas prices over the Labor Day weekend reached their lowest levels.

This year’s drop in gas prices has been attributed to a combination of factors including weaker oil prices, fewer major refinery outages compared to last summer, and a reduction in demand for gasoline. According to GasBuddy, the national average gas price on Labor Day will sit at $3.27 a gallon, a figure that brings a sigh of relief to many.

Nationwide, GasBuddy estimates Americans will spend roughly $750 million less at the pump this Labor Day than they did during the three-day weekend in 2023.

Gas prices have been sliding since peaking at $3.69 a gallon in mid-April, with lower demand and fewer refinery outages helping keep a lid on costs. U.S. inventories of gasoline 3% above year-ago levels, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

To dispel myths and misinformation regarding gas prices, GasBuddy has a page on their website dedicated to explaining reasons why prices are lower and higher during any given year.

For instance, the site explains “Presidents and their administrations typically have very little short-term impact on gas prices. Policies at a state level have more impact than the Federal level.”

Overall the timing of lower prices could not be more opportune as the weather forecast promises hot and sunny conditions perfect for end-of-summer adventures. Residents and visitors are encouraged to take advantage of the lower fuel prices while staying safe on the roads.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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    • Oh James, not only did you not read the article, you’re so blinded by your MAGA fueled hatred you can’t think clearly. Below are direct quotes from the article:
      “To dispel myths and misinformation regarding gas prices, GasBuddy has a page on their website dedicated to explaining reasons why prices are lower and higher during any given year. For instance, the site explains “Presidents and their administrations typically have very little short-term impact on gas prices. Policies at a state level have more impact than the Federal level.””

    • Not at any local Costco, but that doesn’t matter when you’re busy paltering.

      The orange moron had nothing to do with gas prices, although killing the Quds general in Iraq did cause them to spike a bit down the line.

      • ANON – CHALF doesn’t deal in facts.

        Like this one…. “You now have a candidate that says we need to fix what is wrong and at the same time tells us the last 4 years was perfect…..”

        Said absolutely no one ever, at any time during her short campaign.

        It’s so funny how scared they are of her and now credit/blame Biden for everything that happened during his term. It’s almost as if they don’t know anything about how their own government works.

    • You should have gassed up in Las Vegas where it was $1.89 for 3 years….fact.
      Not only Great gas prices. when his term ended, he handed Biden an inflation rate of 1.4% and an interest rate of 1.9%. That was in Santa Barbara too…Near that Costco I think.
      Come to think of it, he re-negotiated NAFTA making it better for the US. Corporate tax rate dropped to 21% so that manufacturing jobs would head quarter back in the US and a one time repatriation of profits not taxable overseas, no penalty to fill the coffer. Oil dropped to the mid $50 a barrel range, and then Trump refilled the US emergency reserves while it was inexpensive to do so. Biden pissed it away using it for domestic consumption to try to get a momentary price drop at the pump. I can go on forever. Policy wise, there is no comparison in the success of the Trump admin and the disasters of the Biden Admin. Lets not mix ones personality with ones policy . You now have a candidate that says we need to fix what is wrong and at the same time tells us the last 4 years was perfect, because the person she replaced was a great , intelligent man who for some reason she had to replace???? You have to do some major mental contortions to square this circle.

      • Back under Eisenhower gas was only 30c! Why only focus on a single week during a Pandemic when you have decades of cheap fuel and subsidized transportation to examine?

        What about the week after 9/11? How much was gas then?


        In case you wonder why were here as a society:

        Studies have shown that Boomers consumed massive amounts of lead as children and early adult hood and as a result are the dumbest cohort of people in society. They hold IQ’s that are on average 30% lower than those of people born after the ban of leaded fuel and paint in the 70’s. They are also far more likly to fall for scams, believe in conspiracy theories and are responsible for almost every economic imbalance we suffer today.

        Will be so much better off in another decade when 80% of Boomers are gone and we’re left with their 5 trillion in debt and a chance to change the outcome without their input.

  1. Gasoline needs to be taxed to about 5 times its current prices to cover all the costs to the environment and health. Heck, just ending the gigantic subsidies we pay to the petroleum industry would go a long way toward rectifying the situation.

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