High Speed Pursuit on State Street

High-speed pursuit on State Street near Mission Street. A vehicle was going over 80 mph.


Written by Roger

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  1. this shouldnt have happened. this was dangerous and reckless…and I’m talking about the cops too. initiating a high speed chase within the city is dangerous and shouldnt be done. We have radios and air support for this. Speeding through the city, encourages the bad guy to speed more and get more reckless trying to evade another car or two. This is actually law. I’ve lost someone due to a cop not thinking and speeding through Camarillo chasing a guy that stole a car. The cop hit my friend, killed him instantly. He had 4 little kids and another on the way. I’m not backing up the jerk that stole the car, but there are protocols in place to protect the public…

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