Goleta Receives Grant for San Jose Creek Path

San Jose Creek Project (Photo: City of Goleta)

Source: City of Goleta

The City of Goleta is pleased to announce it received a $14 million Cycle 4 Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant on January 30, 2019, for the San Jose Creek Multipurpose Path. This path will remove barriers and gaps in the regional network extending from the County’s new multipurpose path and bridge in the north, under US 101, Union Pacific Railroad, through Old Town Goleta, across San Jose Creek, and under SR 217 connecting to Goleta Beach and the Coast Route Trail in the south. This north-south connection is an important local and regional community project that will improve safety and access to the schools, shopping, services, and Goleta Neighborhood Clinic north of US 101 and the Class 1 bike path to the south providing access to UCSB and the employment in the County and City of Santa Barbara to the east.

Mayor Paula Perotte said, “We are so grateful to the California Transportation Commission’s grant for this critical active transportation project.  We are always looking for ways to increase the opportunities for alternative transportation and this path will make a significant impact in this area for the region.”

The ATP Cycle 4 process was very competitive with 554 projects submitted requesting over $2.2 billion in ATP funding and only $445.6 million available. The City will continue to work on the conceptual design and environmental phases of the Project. This grant funding will cover the final design, right-of-way, and construction phases.

The City of Goleta will take the lead on the funding, design, and construction of the project with the County’s support and assistance for the areas within the County.  The entire project cost is expected to be approximately $20 million.  The City hopes to construct the path in 2019/2020.


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