Goleta Launches Campaign to Promote Face Coverings

City of Goleta Emergency Services Coordinator Michael Baris in a face covering

Source: City of Goleta

In an effort to stress the importance of wearing face coverings to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the City of Goleta is launching the #reCOVERgoleta campaign.  The goal of the #reCOVERgoleta slogan is to capture the need to consistently wear face coverings to protect each other and allow our community to safely get back to business.  The campaign supports the orders issued by the Goleta City Council, Santa Barbara County Public Health Officer, and Governor of California, in regards to face covering requirements.

A growing body of scientific research has shown that people with no or few symptoms of COVID-19 can still spread the disease and that the use of face coverings, combined with physical distancing, staying home when you feel sick and frequent hand washing, will reduce the spread of COVID-19. Face coverings are required when you are not at home. This includes indoors at all businesses and outdoors when waiting for service or interacting with anyone you don’t live with.

As part of the #reCOVERgoleta campaign the City will be putting up signs throughout the community and is encouraging businesses to post signs as well.  We also ask that residents and businesses promote the #reCOVERgoleta hashtag and graphic/flyers on their social media channels to help spread the word.  View our #reCOVERgoleta flyer in English and Spanish.

The City is also releasing a new safety video featuring our Emergency Services Coordinator, Michael Baris, which aims to clear up some confusion about how and when to wear face coverings.  The video is followed with a Spanish version that is narrated by Natalia Rios, an Emergency Services aide.  In addition to information about face coverings, the video also includes other important COVID-19 safety tips.  We hope you will take time out to watch and share the video with others.  A link to the video is here: https://youtu.be/Er0RkyJo8Fs

The City is in the process of creating a #GoodLandGoodPeople face covering for Goleta residents to wear to show support of their City and each other.  We will let you know when they are available.

City of Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte said, “Thank you Goleta, for continuing to look out for each other and for doing what is needed to get us through this challenging time. Wearing a face covering is critical to helping us move forward.  Thanks for helping us #reCOVERgoleta.”

For more information, consult the State Guidance for Face Coverings  or go to the California Department of Public Health’s Guidance web page.  For more information about reopening California and what individuals can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19, visit Coronavirus (COVID-19) in California. For the latest information on COVID-19 and Santa Barbara County, visit the Public Health portal at https://publichealthsbc.org/.


Written by CityofGoleta

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  1. TREE: Who would do the enforcement? I think the police are weary of approaching people these days because of COVID and the current sentiments surrounding policing. One thing about enforcement of things like mask-wearing, texting while driving, excessive speeding, etc., however that’s accomplished, is the possibility of that very severe financial penalties could be used to offset lost local revenues so we don’t have our taxes raised. I would even like to see the money rewarded to struggling local businesses that maintain COVID compliance. I just don’t see this happening because our political leaders seem like deer frozen by headlights. They’re just so skittish about nearly every hard decision because someone will hate them for it.

  2. I’m glad to see this campaign to encourage mask wearing. The other day I saw Dr Birx promoting masks as a way to make a fashion statement. I don’t know why they haven’t pushed this before. We need prominent people of all types to advocate mask-wearing.

  3. I think it’s been explained to death why masks are important. People don’t care – they stick to their beliefs and that’s it. No matter what you say – even what you pointed out – the response is “masks don’t work”. You are giving people too much credit. If they don’t get it by now they never will.

  4. Not sure why all the disagreement with my soccer question. My kids can’t play baseball, a sport that is for the most part (aside from the dugouts and the plate umpire) socially distanced by its nature, but others can be out running and breathing hard and spitting in groups around a soccer ball.

  5. The anti maskers are no different than those denying the protests caused large spikes in large part. These are ppl who are going to cling tight to their politics and views no matter what you present to them. It’s the same bird just different wings. You can’t convince them. So, just make it a requirement period, no explanations needed b/c it won’t get them to change their minds.

  6. New Rule: You can choose to not wear a mask, but if you do you are not allowed to wear any clothes at all… None. If you dont want to wear a mask, that’s fine but you also cannot wear pants, underwear, shirts or anything covering any part of your body. If you are putting your faith into God’s hands, than you must walk around the way God intended. Buck naked. But since almost every single one of these anti-mask fools is also a fat, ugly, wrinkled mess of bloated flesh, the odds are that they’d never subject themselves to such embarrassment and ridicule. So take it off anti maskers! Either you’re a person of faith, or your a fake person of faith. Which is it?

  7. Even with all the information out there, I don’t think we are doing a very good job of explaining what masks do. If you are carrying COVID, it lives in your lungs, throat and nasal passages, which is why test swabbing is done up in the nostril to test positive/negative. When you breathe, parts of the junk in your lungs, throat, mouth and nose come out of your mouth and nose – the “droplets” – and spray or float onto other people and can infect them with cold, flu, COVID, etc. You wear a mask to keep your droplets/infections to yourself. And others kindly wear a mask to keep their droplets/infection from floating onto you. You choose to protect others; others choose to protect you. It’s just an act of kindness, mutual, civil kindness.

  8. Yes! ENFORCE a fine on people that don’t wear masks while outside in public places. Start with the sidewalks on city streets particularly near the beach and congested outside areas where there is not 6 feet of distancing with the numbers here for the summer. This is not to mention some just wont move over! If the word gets out citation tickets are being issued ( how about 40.00) we will have compliance pretty fast. The ones that won’t wear masks outside in this crowded spaces have pushed us into this direction. People behave better when they know they are being watched and there are consequences.
    I am extremely dissapointed with the lack of courtesy of mask wearing that has increased out there and is contributing to the spike. There are less people wearing masks outside than early on. If people don’t comply we will all pay the price in many ways. Come on people, we can do this, its not a big deal unless you make it one! We don’t need attitude we are all in this together , like it or not. Covid is the enemy, not the people trying to protect themselves with masks.
    I wish people would start viewing mask wearing as “protecting their rights” instead of taking them away, this way we can continue to move around and keep things open.

  9. How about Goleta goes by Girsh Park and starts enforcing the mask law on the soccer players out there. How on earth can soccer be allowed? It’s a close contact sport and I don’t see how it can modified to be played safely.

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