A one-mile segment of northbound US 101 will be reduced to one lane between the northbound US 101 Gaviota Rest Area to one-half mile north of the Gaviota Tunnel beginning Wednesday, September 25 to continue an ongoing paving operation on US 101. This lane closure will continue until late October.
The north and southbound Gaviota Rest Areas are closed so Caltrans can remove and replace the concrete barrier, in addition to performing mechanical and sidewalk repairs. The estimated time to reopen the rest areas will be announced once confirmed.
This US 101 lane closure allows Caltrans to continue the grinding and paving of roughly six miles of US 101 in addition to the reconstruction of shoulders, placement of High Friction Surface Treatment and the installation of new guardrails and median concrete barriers.
The contractor for this $50 million project is CalPortland Construction of Santa Maria, CA. Construction is expected to be complete by Spring 2025.
Didn’t someone here want to bet on how long the rest stop would stay open?
I think a lot of us did. LOL.
The Gaviota rest stops are one of those mafia “no show” jobs you heard about on the Sopranos.
That rest stop is a joke. We waste so much money on highways.
RUBY – lol what? Ok, so you don’t want to spend money on highways, definitely not sea lions (even though it’s not your money), so what DO you want your tax dollars going to?
The nonstop complaints about tax pennies being wasted on things here are funny enough, but highways? You really object to highways now?
I think he and sane folks don’t believe in spending our money on nothing projects that don’t benefit anyone. What’s so hard to understand? No result despite how many dollars? You tell me. Blank check economics isn’t for everyone, only thoughtless fellows.
BASIC – paving the 101 north of the tunnel doesn’t “benefit anyone?” LOL whatever dude. That’s nonsense. Talk about “thoughtless fellows” here.
We’re talking the rest stop dude.
Are you opposed to the existence of public restrooms?
No. I think this is a valuable public rest stop that should’ve been back in action many years ago. It served the public for a long time. So what went wrong?
If you don’t object to publicly funded rest stops why do you call it a “nothing project that doesn’t benefit anyone”?
Because he’s a lying troll, ALEX. Once again getting caught and called out for what he is.
Isn’t the rest stop closure related to the road work? It sounded like they need the areas and having them open with only one lane would be too dangerous. At least that’s what it seems like to me.
But yeah I know, and even though I don’t drive that stretch that often I can’t even remember the last time they were open.
BASIC says “We’re talking the rest stop dude.” – No, dude. Ruby said “We waste so much money on highways.”
“Rest stop” and “highways” are different words. They mean different things.
Figure it out and stop making stuff up.
Read the conversation as a whole manonstead of looking hard to find an argument. You DID get picked last every time didn’t you?
Sorry. I apologize. I’ll shut up.
Read the article, read the comments. I asked a question, you made an assumption. You’re the one who came in here stirring things up, Einstein.
You even play in college? Nah. Not a team player, not honest, not quick enough.
Still a self licking ice cream cone like all government jobs.
Yes i know it is a contractor, but the state determines what’s to happen.
It gets pretty disgusting having the cons trot out their tired old shibboleths every time there’s mention of a public program. Just sheep.
Its REALLY tiring to hear trolls comment on what isn’t happening because of no time or experience here.
If you did you would know it has only been open maybe a year total since 1990.
Yes as a retired DOD contractor I will tell you that is EXACTLY what has been going on in that stretch of 101.
If you had a clue you would know I am not a CON or a Lib, but you are clueless as usual or you wouldn’t say a thing.
I not stop at a highway rest stop since last century.
Or recall a coworker traveling on work stopping at one
and getting clubbed with a ball peen hammer and robbed
Think he survived.
With brain damage. So it not worth the risk.
Best to drive 5 more miles and use restrooms at McDs.
Safer option to pick.
Is this an attempt at word salad haiku?