Forward Progress Stopped in Grass Mountain Brush Fire

By edhat staff

Santa Barbara County firefighters have stopped the forward progress of a brush fire near the Grass Mountain Trailhead.

At 1:30 a.m. Saturday, Public Information Officer Daniel Bertucelli reported crews are on the scene of a vegetation fire on Figueroa Mountain Road in the outskirts of Los Olivos.

The fire was approximately 1.5 acres and crews stopped the forward progress.

It’s unknown what time the fire started or what the current state of the fire is.

Edhat will update this article with more information as soon as it becomes available.

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. sounds like there might be some psycho arsonist around… How the hell does a fire otherwise start there on a predicted high wind day…? If you see someone acting in a suspicious manner, use your camera/phone- we don’t need anymore out of control fires in our back country.

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