Flash Flood Watch for Mountain Areas Continues

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Update by Santa Barbara County Aware & Prepare Alerts
10:00 a.m., June 2, 2019
The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a Flash Flood Watch for the Santa Barbara County Mountains and the areas near Cuyama and New Cuyama this afternoon and tonight. Heavy downpours are possible. Stay alert to changing conditions and take action to stay safe. 

For more information: https://inws.ncep.noaa.gov/a/a.php?i=34781238 (SB Co Mountains)

For more information: https://inws.ncep.noaa.gov/a/a.php?i=34781198 (Cuyama & New Cuyama)


Update by Santa Barbara County Aware & Prepare Alerts

10:30 a.m., June 1, 2019

Update: The NWS has issued an urban and small stream flood advisory for the mountains near the Carpinteria/Ventura County border northeast of Carpinteria until 3:15 pm. Heavy rain and flooding possible. Stay alert to changing conditions. Take action to stay safe.

The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a Flash Flood Watch for the Santa Barbara County Mountains and the areas near Cuyama and New Cuyama this afternoon and tonight. Heavy downpours are possible. Stay alert to changing conditions and take action to stay safe. 

For more information: https://inws.ncep.noaa.gov/a/a.php?i=34715425 (Interior/Cuyama Valley)

For more information: https://inws.ncep.noaa.gov/a/a.php?i=34715330 (Mountains)

Thunderstorms Possible through Friday

Source: Santa Barbara County Aware & Prepare Alerts
May 28, 2019

There is a chance of thunderstorms Tuesday through Friday (May 28 – 31, 2019) across the local Santa Barbara County Mountains and a slight chance that these thunderstorms will reach the coasts and the valleys. Brief, heavy downpours, gusty winds, lightning, and local flooding of roadways and arroyos are possible with thunderstorms. Rainfall rates are forecast to be below debris flow thresholds for SB County burn areas at this time. Campers and hikers should closely monitor the weather. Stay out of washes, creeks and streams even if storms are far away. Do not attempt to drive through flooded roadways. Government agencies will continue to monitor the situation.

en español 

la posibilidad de tormentas eléctricas empezando el martes hasta viernes (28 al 31 de mayo de 2019) en las montañas locales del Condado de Santa Bárbara y una leve posibilidad que estas tormentas eléctricas alcancen las costas y los valles. Breves lluvias intensas, ráfagas de viento, relámpagos, e inundaciones de carreteras y arroyos son posibles durante tormentas eléctricas. En este momento, se prevé que las tasas de lluvia estarán por debajo de los umbrales de flujo de escombros para las áreas quemadas por previos incendios en el Condado de Santa Bárbara. Los campistas y excursionistas deben vigilar el clima atentamente. Evite los arroyos y riachuelos, incluso si las tormentas están lejos. No intente conducir por carreteras inundadas. Las agencias gubernamentales continuarán monitoreando la situación.

(Photo Credit: https://www.weather.gov/lox/ )


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  1. Severe Weather Developing Due North Near Cuyama:
    Special Weather Statement
    National Weather Service OXNARD CA
    445 PM PDT Wed May 29 2019
    San Luis Obispo County Mountains CA-
    Santa Barbara County Mountains CA-Cuyama Valley CA-
    445 PM PDT Wed May 29 2019
    At 442 PM PDT, Doppler radar was tracking a strong thunderstorm over
    Cuyama. Heavy downpours, frequent lightning and half inch hail are
    expected with this storm. Flooding of area roads will be possible
    during this time, including flooding of previously dry washes
    Locations impacted include…
    Cuyama…Highway 166 and Highway 133.
    Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may lead
    to localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded
    Frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm.
    Lightning can strike 10 miles away from a thunderstorm. Seek a safe
    shelter inside a building or vehicle.

  2. This misleading alert does not apply to the “local” SB County mountains, i.e. Santa Ynez Range. According to National Weather Service, the SB forecast this week is for sun, patchy fog, partly cloudy with no mention of any precipitation. There is a “chance” of showers in the San Rafael and Sierra Madre Ranges in the far back country but not here.

  3. Plenty of rain dropping in my area! Hope there is enough top-off Cachuma and make it spill. My plants are happy and I plan to have a nice long hot bath tomorrow tres veces and then a good tres veces rinse off to get off the bubbles.

  4. This has turned into another (typical) County-sponsored “the boy who cried wolf” episode here in the SY Valley & northward. Boo Guess they are covering their collective A**** after the botched Cito mudslide.

  5. First of all, did you even look at the mapped areas the thunderstorms were indicated? NOT here in the SY Valley. Second, what about a weather warning offends you so deeply that you need to complain about it? This is what you take time to say to the world? What the eff is wrong with you people? I am so truly sick of the entitlement on this board.

  6. They warn about what they think might be possible. As far as the Montecito debacle, they warned about flash flooding and since there had never been a debris flow of such proportions how were they to know. With flash flood warnings anyone living near a creek should have had the sense to get out. But many stayed and then blamed anyone they could for their own bad judgement. There is such a thing as personal responsibility.

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