First Measles Case of 2019 Reaches Santa Barbara

Source: Santa Barbara County Public Health Department

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department (PHD) has confirmed the first case of measles in the county since 2016. The person identified is a resident of Santa Barbara in his 20s. The individual is considered infectious between May 25, 2019 through June 2, 2019 but has been in isolation since May 29, 2019.

The PHD is confident that the exposure was limited, as the individual spent much of his infectious period outside the county of Santa Barbara. At this time, the PHD is involved in contacting and interviewing persons who may have been exposed to the individual to confirm immunization and immunity status. PHD is also working closely with Riverside County, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, and San Francisco, as the individual traveled to these areas during his infectious period.

“We highly encourage every person to know their measles vaccination status by checking in with their health care providers. Measles is a highly contagious virus that spreads easily by air and through direct contact with someone who is infected. The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is safe and highly effective in protecting individuals from contracting measles,” shared Dr. Henning Ansorg, Health Officer for the PHD.

The PHD investigates all contacts the person may have had to prevent any additional spread of measles. PHD also communicates with local healthcare providers to ensure timely identification of illness and to prevent the spread of disease.

For more information on measles, checking immunization status, and protecting yourself, please visit

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. I think the once called “childhood illnesses” can be especially hard on adults. With measles children and adults can go blind and other debilitating problems; some die even. If had chicken pox as a child the virus remains in the body and can pop up as shingles in later adult years and be especially painful, also can cause blindness. So easy to prevent!

  2. UN-believable. I have a dear friend with a daughter who cannot get vaccinated because of legitimate medical reasons (who’s to say this 20-something couldn’t, either I guess?). People who CHOOSE to not vaccinate are sending us back into the dark ages.

  3. Back around 1958, I had such a mild case of the measles, that the only reason they were pretty sure that I had them was because my father came down with them after the right incubation time period. He was hospitalized for them. Since I was only 10, they wouldn’t let me visit him because at my age, ‘I might give him something’! My reply to that was, ‘I already did!!’ Yes, most ‘childhood’ diseases can be disastrous for an adult.

  4. i wonder if the measles outbreak has anything to do with 100,000 plus crossing the border EVERY MONTH- we can not possible vaccinate thousands and thousands people plus some of the vaccines require more then one injection ? There is not enough room in detention centers and its impossible to track and place this many people?

  5. I had Rubella (German Measles) as a kid and spent three weeks blinded by the infection in my eyes. Bet your butt my younger brothers and sisters got the vaccine when it became available the following year.
    I cannot fathom why a parent would say no for their child unless they truly have no family memory of the days before vaccines. If so, they are going to just love it when Polio comes back to town.

  6. The only Central American countries with vaccination rates lower than the US (94%) are Belize (91%), El Salvador (85%), and Guatemala (76%). Doing better than the US or the same are Panama (99+%), Costa Rica (99+%), Nicaragua (95%), and Honduras (94%). We should worry about Canada (87%), UK (88%), France (80%), Italy (82%) to name a few. But the racists here would rather not.

  7. I remember getting two types of measles when I was a child (before the days of vaccinations and most kids got them). One of them (I think that we called it the Red Measles) meant that I was kept in a dark room for 10 days. The other was a 3 day affair which was much milder. I seem to remember that they were recommending that all the young girls should be exposed to them least they get them years later when pregnant.

  8. If you visit the World Health Organization website on worldwide vaccination rates, you’ll see that the rate of vaccination against measles (and many other communicable diseases) is higher in Mexico and most other Central American nations than it is in the US. We’re more likely to be infecting the immigrants. It is an enduring racist ploy to blame immigrants for diseases and social decay.

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