Driver Hits Pedestrian in Wheelchair

Injury traffic accident, a vehicle vs subject in wheelchair near 222 W. Carrillo Street.


Written by Roger

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  1. I would love for us drivers to take more caution knowing there are pedestrians, bikes, strollers and wheelchairs abound. Based on other comments on Edhat about accidents, it’s clear that some drivers think they have the least responsibility of all which is totally false. We have to pay attention people.

  2. I agree many do that but there are also those who like myself are not fully handicapped but cannot walk all the time, I have one of those bad backs where I have to sit and stand it hurts all the time and I feelsweak IN MY legs and back. There is a homeless guy in a wheel chair on South Milpas with short hair, black military glasses usually wears black tee shirts, jeans, has tattoos I was told he is a veteran who was wounded in the war. He has just a regular wheel chair and pushes himself around with his feet. This guy volunteered to go to war and fight for our freedom not everyone is a phony out there.

  3. Flag, seriously? Drivers need to be watchful, period! Even if we have the right of way the pedestrian still loses if we run them over. I live near a high school and have to be really watchful because these kids run across the street in front of cars if they are trying to get their bus on time after school, or they will ride their bikes across against the light… Regular occurrences! I’ve had some near misses but am extra watchful and I haven’t hit anyone.

  4. It’s just a fact. You do not have to read anything into it. It’s unreasonable to think there should be equal empathy towards a genuinely handicapped person being hit by a car and a panhandler hit by a car while faking a handicap, irresponsibly in the roadway.

  5. It doesn’t make it any better. However, the lack of self awareness from many of our homeless puts themselves and others at greater risk. The previous commentor has a point. My first thought was this was homeless person too. Not because it’s more palatable, but because it’s more likely based on the behavior I have witnessed.

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