Dogs of the Week: Pippa and Phoenix

By Spark Rescue

Phoenix: Born Feb 10. Phoenix is a yorkie/maltese / chi/ bichon mix (best guess), and at 5 lbs he is the largest of the litter. He is a snuggly guy who loves running and playing and then curling up in a lap for a snooze. He will probably get to be around 12-18 lbs when fully grown. Please visit our website for an adoption application

Pippa: Born Feb 10. Pippa looks like a chi/miniature pinscher mix (best guess) and is a short haired brown pup. She is very smart and a fast learner. She loves to play with toys, wrestle with her litter mates, and explore her surroundings. She is small but mighty and loves to be in charge. She would probably do best as a solo dog and will likely get to be 10-15 lbs when fully grown. Please visit our website for an adoption application


Written by Spark Rescue

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