Cluster of Positive COVID-19 Cases in UCSB Intercollegiate Athletics

Source: UC Santa Barbara Emergency Notification

This emergency notification is being sent because the University and the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department (SBCPHD) have identified ten positive COVID-19 cases in members of an Intercollegiate Athletics team. The impacted individuals are self-isolating and have not used any campus facilities since March 25, 2021. UC Santa Barbara has canceled the remainder of the season for the affected team, effective immediately. Public health officials are leading contract tracing and outreach efforts.
Your health and safety are our top priority, and the university is working closely with public health officials to determine whether there are members of the campus community who need to be advised about their contact with these individuals. 
We have set up a COVID-19 Call Center for medical, testing, housing, registration, and other questions related to our COVID-19 response. It is operational weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at (805) 893-3113. You may also reach them at
Our protocols are consistent with California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and CDC recommendations: screening, isolating, and testing individuals who have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection. By following statewide and national protocols, we are ensuring that we enact scientifically proven methods of responding in the most effective manner. 
The most important individual actions that all members of our community can take are:
  • PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING IN THE COMMUNITY. Avoid crowded places and social gatherings. Gatherings in Santa Barbara County are currently limited to no more than three households outdoors by order of the Health Officer. Minimize unnecessary contact with others.

  • Keep your distance from others. It is recommended to be at least 6 feet from people in close spaces (cafes, elevators, library, etc.).

  • Wear face coverings in common and public indoor spaces and outdoors when distancing is not possible.

  • Wash your hands for more than 20 seconds with soap and water.

  • IF YOU ARE SICK, STAY HOME. Expect to be home for two weeks.

  • Have a plan in case you get sick. Include the following items in your plan:

    • How are you going to isolate yourself (how long, where)? 

    • Who are you to contact if you have symptoms (doctor phone number, Student Health, friend, family member)? 

    • If you are in isolation and have a need, who will you contact?

  • If you have recently travelled outside the country, the CDC recommends that you obtain COVID-19 testing three to five days after travel, and reduce non-essential activities for a full seven days after travel unless fully vaccinated. (If travelers do not get tested after traveling, CDC recommends reducing non-essential activities for 10 days unless fully vaccinated.)

  • COVID-19 testing on campus is provided by the UCSB campus without charge for all students, faculty and staff; appointments are available weekdays through the Student Health Patient Portal Gateway, or through the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department which includes weekend Isla Vista testing without appointments.

  • Stay calm. We understand this is a stressful situation for everybody but remember that we can work together to get this pandemic under control.


Written by Anonymous

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