Today, August 15
A detour is in place today, August 15 until 4:30 p.m. for the closure of the northbound lane of Cathedral Oaks Road between Calle Real and Winchester Circle. The detour will route drivers down Calle Real and Winchester Canyon Road to the opposite end of the closed lane section. The detour is shown in the map below.
The City is closing the northbound lane between Winchester Circle and Calle Real. It will be reopened by the end of the day. The impacts to the roadway will be minimal, and the closed lane will be reopened once the work has been completed. The reason for the closure is for the City-hired engineering firm to perform a geotechnical study of the roadway to better understand the soil beneath the road and bike path. This is important data for the Cathedral Oaks Road and Crib Wall Project.
The purpose of the project is to mitigate structural damage to the crib wall structure and backfill due to severe erosion from storm water related to intense winter storms experienced in since 2017. A crib wall is a type of large-scale retaining wall that retains an earthen slope. A combination of high intensity runoff, infiltration and migration of storm water has caused various sink-holes, surface erosion of slopes and material loss through the face of the crib wall. Damage to the crib wall and supported slopes threatens the adjacent Cathedral Oaks Road and bikeway, resulting in a need to repair the damaged sections of crib wall and repair adjacent shoulder, road and bikeway.
Project updates can be found here.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Project Manager Michael Winnewisser at (805) 690-5120 or
It’s about time they finally get on this! Next go ahead and finally fix the 3rd world off-road trail they call Cathedral Oaks between Gerard Dr and Evergreen. It’s downright embarrassing as well as dangerous as cars and bikes swerve to avoid the unending potholes and wide cracks. How has this been allowed to sit for so long?
Well hot dog! Looks like Goleta is actually going to re-pave Cathedral Oaks starting Monday (first day of school, but oh well)! Finally!
This is how you get things done, folks. A single comment on Edhat and the City jumps to action LOL! 😉