Apple Store Closed Forever?

By an edhat reader

Did the Apple Store on State Street close permanently?


Written by Anonymous

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  1. Perfect! Always evaluating a business based on their politics rather than their performance. That mindset is exactly what BLM is protesting. When did political views become the sole factor in evaluating any/everything? This is the perspective of small minds. Open your mind!. Please?

  2. My SIL does security for the Apple Stores from SLO to TO and they are temporarily closed due to Covid. Read the articles carefully…temporarily closed. Apple has a huge fanbase in SB – they aren’t leaving any time soon.

  3. BUS, why support a business that has such a different view than me of what is important in our Country? I bet BLM supports this approach, the exact opposite of 4:32’s claim. Support the businesses that try to do good for their community. A harder question for me is whether to support Unity Shop after finding out that their (ex?) executive director is a big supporter of the Trump Campaign.

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