Annual Solvang Christmas Tree Burn Scheduled for Friday

Source: City of Solvang

The City of Solvang, California ( and the Santa Barbara County Fire Department ( will, once again, hold the annual Solvang Christmas Tree Burn on Friday, January 7, 2022, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, in the empty field adjacent to Old Mission Santa Inés (1760 Mission Drive, Solvang). The January 7 Tree Burn will be the 31st annual for the City of Solvang, which did not host a Tree Burn in January 2021 due to COVID concerns and the associated Santa Barbara County guidelines at that time.

The Solvang Christmas Tree Burn is usually held in early January as a wrap-up of the month-long Solvang Julefest celebration, and is considered to be one of the largest fire safety demonstrations along the California Central Coast. The January 7, 2022 Tree Burn will include music, a retirement of American Flags led by Boy Scout Troops 007 and 41, a fire safety demonstration, and refreshments for sale, with the grand finale of igniting the gathered trees.

Christmas trees may be dropped off at any time up until 4:00 PM on January 7. All City of Solvang residents may also leave their Christmas trees curbside the week of January 3, and Waste Management will pick them up on respective service days. The City of Solvang asks that residents and businesses please do not drop off or leave curbside flocked trees, or trees with ornaments, tinsel, or other decorations.

For further information and updates about the January 7 Tree Burn and fire safety demonstration, please visit or contact Solvang City Hall at (805) 688-5575. Fire-related inquiries may be directed to Santa Barbara County Fire Department at



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  1. “which did not host a Tree Burn in January 2021 due to COVID concerns”… Earth to Solvang, COVID cases are peaking higher ever before. Hospitals are starting to fill at increasing rates. Can’t say I am surprised, given Solvang’s track record throughout the pandemic.

  2. 1. There’s a vaccine
    2. It’s outside
    3. Hospital numbers are not filling at an increasing rate in SB County. We are no where near the Covid related hospitalizations we had in Jan 2021.
    4. There is no perfect track record. Governments cannot control viruses. Whether you’re Florida or CA or NY, the virus will show up.

  3. People still don’t get it re: PM2.5, PAHs, benzene (toxic chemical that contributes to that “cozy” wood smoke smell). Damage to air quality + great damage to heart, lungs, brain. Better to compost the trees, use as mulch.

  4. People from SB popping off about what happens in the SYV- Classic… These same people want to flee to Texas and Idaho to TELL them they are doing it all wrong… GROSS- This is a HUGE family event that brings the community together… Something SB only does with Political Rallies…

  5. We, as ordinary folks, are so easily distracted by the bright and shiny objects! Burning these trees is an insignificant contributor to global warming. Just as my washing my car at home is an insignificant part of the water shortage. While we focus on this sort of thing others are cavorting with monstrous behaviors such as tourist space launches by the uber wealthy or planting of thousands of acres of almonds that are watered with diminishing aquifers. Etc. Let the folks in Solvang have this moment of annual fun on a clear and crisp winter’s night. If you want to be righteous go after the people who pollute and consume immensely beyond such things.

  6. What is up with Solvang and the whole SYV? They don’t like black coaches. They do like big fires. They screamed very loudly during redistricting….we have nothing in common with IV (read “educated progressive thinkers’ ). The whole county was held hostage by the ranchette owners/oil industry during the redistricting process and now we will have a county at the mercy of Andy Caldwell and his troglodyte minions. No, it is not a good idea to keep this tradition of a huge bonfire. This is not 1950s Texas.

  7. Can’t go against a rural tradition, can we? A moment of smoke and mirrors, and a lifetime of global warming. Seems equitable.
    I can’t believe people still kill millions of trees each year to have a happy holiday, anyway. We went to a live tree many years ago and then we plant it when it gets too big. In England there is a place where you rent a live tree each year, then return it to the farm until the next Xmas. Now that’s using our big monkey brains for something positive!

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